Chapter ten: Stabilize

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I pretty much forced Billy to move over to Maine for a while, just for the time frame I was in college. "I love you babe, but I still don't trust you being on your own after that whole debacle." I commented as he tantrumed like a child in protest. "I'm fine! It was one time! I'll be good, I promise!"

"The last time you said that, you mass murdered your family when I left." I scoffed, picking up one of his bags and dragging it onto the airplane. "I wanna keep an eye on you so you don't do something completely fucking stupid. Don't you dare say you won't, because I won't believe you for one millisecond." I warned, smirking victoriously as I watched Billy clamp his mouth closed and glare silently in my direction as he grabbed his own bags.

"We'll find an apartment for ya and a job when we get there. For the time between arrival and then, you can crash at the dorm with Kaleb and I." I added, rolling my eyes as Billy obviously tensed at the sound of another guy's name. "Oh quit it. He's super nice and super bi anyways. Don't try to go all macho on me, boy. Jealousy isn't a good look on you."

"Whatever. I'm taking a nap. Wake me up when we get there." Billy grumbled tiredly, putting the bags into the overhead storage before sliding into his seat. He slid into his seat and pulled me with gently by my hand, sitting down and sighing. "I don't even know why I'm so tired." He mumbled, resting his head on my shoulder once I had sat down.

"Now that you're out of the high you get in whenever there's gore, reality is hitting you like a freight train." I laughed softly, resting my head atop of his and closing my eyes. "Just get some sleep. You'll feel better once we land and get you stable again."


"Babe. C'mon, we landed." I murmured softly to Billy, shaking his shoulder gently. He groaned softly in protest, running a hand over his face as he yawned. With a few loud pops and cracks, he stretched the grogginess from his muscles and woke up a bit more, giving me a sleepy smile and kissing my cheek. "Sweet. Let's get out of here then."

We quickly picked up our bags and caught a cab back to the dorms, where Kaleb had been waiting for us. "Hm. He's hotter than I expected." He commented nonchalantly, giving a devilish grin as his new temporary fling, Weston, punched his arm with fake jealousy. Billy scoffed and grinned slightly, rolling his eyes. "Thanks for letting me crash here for a bit. I appreciate it a lot."

"Yeah. No prob." Kaleb replied with a grin, wrapping one arm over Weston's shoulder and looking to the tv as he flipped through channels. As much as I loved Kaleb, he was a fuckboy at heart, and this boy wasn't gonna last for more than a few days.  "If you break her heart though, I will come after you and snap your neck. I know what you're capable of and I know what you've done, but Hell hath no fury like a pissed of Bi boy." He warned, though kept his eyes on the TV screen in a relaxed manner.

Billy simply cocked a surprised eyebrow, but gave a soft nod of acknowledgement before walking into my bedroom and setting his bags down. These were pretty nice dorms; they had very small rooms, yeah, but they were separate. Kitchen connected with the living room, along with two bedrooms, laundry room, and a bathroom. Not too shabby, if I must say.

"If I hear any kind of sex going on in there, I'll be swinging through the door yelling 'HERES JOHNNY'!" Kaleb warned, only having me flip him off. "Oh please. It'll make us even from all the noise you make. I didn't expect that you would be the top." I said nonchalantly, having Weston blush deeply as I gave an innocent smile and walked into my room as well.


We soon got Billy set up in my room, not yet beginning the search for the items needed for his temporary residency in Maine. "Let's just get food, get shit-faced, and enjoy our weekend." I sighed, pulling out my phone to get delivery pizza.

We were all sitting in the living room boredly, simply watching whatever came on the TV. I was leaned up against Billy with his arms over my shoulder, and Kaleb had Weston in his lap. "I mean, that sounds like a plan to me." Kaleb laughed, Weston and Billy chuckling in agreement. I grinned and gave a nod, quickly ordering some pizza and heading to the kitchen to see what we had to drink.

While checking the secret cupboards Kaleb and I had installed to hide the booze, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and lips trailing butterfly kisses on my neck. "Don't you dare start until I'm either hammered or full of pizza." I commented teasingly, grinning as I felt Billy laugh. "Aw, you're no fun." He whined, giving a playful wink as he helped carry out the bottles of beer and other stuff into the living room.

Pizza soon arrived, and I quickly paid for it before setting it down on the living room coffee table, which was littered with empty bottles. "Eat up, fellas." I laughed, taking a slice quickly before they hogged it all for themselves.

"Jesus, y'all are pigs!" I laughed, finishing my few slices before leaning back comfortably on the couch and partially drunk. Billy laughed, clearly already completely smashed. "God you sound like Heather." He laughed, making me tilt my head to the side.

"Who's heather?"


Billy suddenly realized his mistake. His eyes went wide, and his slurred speech suddenly became a stutter. "A-a girl back in C-California. L-lived with h-her while running from the c-cops?" He replied, obviously lying. "Yo Weston, follow me babe." Kaleb murmured, quickly pulling Weston to his room since he knew what shit was about to go down.

"Y-you cheated on me... didn't you?" I asked softly, suddenly feeling completely sober as my heart dropped. Billy's mouth moved silently, trying to think of som excuse to get out of trouble. He soon gave up, staring at the floor silently.

"You know what's the worst thing about this? The timing. We just got you all set up here, and now I've got to throw you out. There's a hotel and apartment rent a couple blocks down. You've got ten minutes to pack up and get out before I start swinging and call the cops for you breaking and entering. Timer starts now. Knees to chest, mother fucker."


Billy was out of the door like a bullet. He knew I was serious. Weston fell asleep in Kaleb's room after having a quickie, and Kaleb came out and ranted with me about Billy quietly after that. This basically meant he listened to me talk shit about Billy and sob, since after all, I got completely shit faced after he walked out. Who wouldn't?

Why does shit always seem to go wrong right when you think life is evening itself out? Seriously! I just got everything set and going smooth, then I find out that he cheated on me THE NIGHT HE COMES TO MY DORM.

Kaleb was about ready to kill him, and let me tell you, he isn't a little guy. Almost 6'6, line backer for the college football team, and works out at least six times a week, he is not something to mess with. Yeah, he is a giant, sassy teddy bear 99% of the time, but becomes Satan when angered.

I had to lock him in the bedroom with Weston so he wouldn't go after Billy, and that was no easy task.


This'll all make sense in a bit. Just you wait. Next chapter is gonna be pretty... interesting. Hope you all enjoyed reading!

??? Favorite book series/ movie series ???

Maxx 🖤

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