Chapter fourteen: Summer

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School flashed by that year. Full of parties, mental break downs, unhealthy amounts of caffeine, and fun nights with friends, it was definitely a stage in my life to remember. It's just been focused on me and finding out what I really enjoyed doing in life.

I was currently sitting in a hot tub at someone's cabin for an end of the year party, a beer in one hand and my other arm wrapped around Billy's neck. I ended up dragging him to most parties, since he'd always get so jealous that I wasn't spending time with him.

We were talking with our normal group of friends I met the first day of classes, the radio blasting music and the sound of glass bottles clinking together. We were all having fun, yet listening for the cops simultaneously. Yeah, we're in college, but a lot of us are still 18-20 years, so it's a common thing for the cops to do random check ins at parties.

Tonight was one of those nights. As soon as we saw the flashing lights, and the underage drinkers got up and booked it towards the wooded areas, not bothering to grab any clothes or bags as they ran out. We were all laughing as we dodged around trees and underbrush, making all the way back to our dorms before getting caught.

"Damn. You've got no idea how hard it is to keep your boobs from coming out when you're running from the cops in a bikini." I laughed as I slammed the door behind billy and I, peeking through the peep hole to make sure no one had followed. "You know, I'll offer to hold them for you." Billy chuckled, walking up behind me and doing just that.

"If we were in the old fashioned horror movies, we'd get in so much trouble for the copious amounts of times we've had sex." I laughed, leaning back against billy with a playful eye roll. "Yeah. You'd probably get away though. Michael Myers and Jason Voorhees wouldn't kill you. You're too hot." He teased, making me roll my eyes playfully and walk away from him.

(Welp, just destroyed the fourth wall there)


We headed back to our new apartment after we went back and grabbed our stuff from the party, both of us buzzed and laughing at the most stupid things. We both flopped down on the couch and laid back, talking about random things as we laid in the silent building.

We had gotten the apartment together once I was done with my first year of college, and Kaleb had moved in to the open apartment right next to us. Billy was still tense around Kaleb after the whole... *ahem*, ordeal between him and I. Kaleb couldn't care less, though. He ignored Billy's coldness and acted like what happened between us had never happened.

"Planning on throwing a party this weekend at my place. No complaints since this apartment complex is basically only college kids anyways." Kaleb randomly commented one day, while I whooped his ass and Billy's in Mario Kart.

"I'll go. I can bring either booze or food, your choice." I offered, tossing the wii remote beside me as I looked to Kaleb. "Trust me, I have enough booze in my house for the entire East Coast. Bring chips or dip." He laughed, setting his remote down in defeat.

"I'll go as well." Billy added in, though his jealousy was showing clear and obvious. Kaleb, as usual, ignored it, giving a nod and grin to Billy. "Sounds good. The more the better." He chuckled, getting up and heading out. "Gotta go get food for the party. See you all later."


"There's no reason to have a stick up your ass whenever Kaleb is over. What happened between us is done. Forever. And you know that." I huffed, currently getting ready for the party and leaned over the sink to look into the mirror better. "I don't like it cuz then you seem like such a jerk since he doesn't care."

"You're seriously blaming me for being suspicious of a guy who hooked up with you as soon as I left?" Billy asked with a questioning look, clearly ticked about it. "There were no feelings. You know that." I replied, now finished with my makeup and walking to the front door. "Stay home if he bothers you so much." I added nonchalantly, walking out of the apartment and stopped as he grabbed my wrist.

"Babe, let's not fight over this again... I'm sorry for bringing it up, but you gotta understand why I don't like him." Billy sighed, leaning on the door frame as he looked down to me. "I do see why, but it's no excuse for you to act like a complete prick to him." I replied, now turning away and walking.

"I'll stop being a prick to him, okay? Just promise me that it was just a random hookup, no strings attached." Billy murmured, making me look back to him and slowly walk back. "No strings attached. Let's just go have fun, dummy." I replied, giving a slight smile and flicking him in the forehead before taking his hand and walking to Kaleb's place.


As anyone could guess, the party was a rager. Music cranked up loud enough to blow the speakers, the air smelling like alcohol, and of course, the normal sight of bodies against bodies on the dance floor.

"Looks like Veronica is getting some." I laughed as I saw her on the dance floor, currently in a heated grinding session with one of the guys in our anatomy class. "Along with the rest of the crew." Billy snorted as he saw the other members, shaking his head in amusement.

"Let's just get shitfaced and have fun." I added, grinning as I took Billy's hand and headed toward the kitchen where all the drinks were stashed. "snake bite?" I asked billy, making us both a drink once billy nodded his head to the kind.

We had a lot of them that night. And let me say, they're strong; whiskey, vodka, apple cider, and I add maple syrup to my kind. Amazing, but strong enough to make your eyes water.

We soon had our max, and I waved goodbye to Kaleb as we headed back towards our own apartment room. "I'll come over and *hic* help you clean up tomorrow!" I called as billy led me out, heading toward the door and soon walking into our apartment.

"Now. Everyone was having their fun at the party, so I say we have our now." Billy chuckled, kissing me once with a devilish grin.


"Do I regret drinking that much? Yes. Do I regret coming back and having sex right away? No." I laughed as I took a shower the next morning, trying to snap out of a bad hangover.

Billy chuckled and shook his head in amusement as he heard me, currently leaning over the sink and shaving. "Couldn't agree more. I say we chill all day and don't do anything productive whatsoever." He added, looking over to me with a raised eyebrow of question.

"Sounds like an amazing plan." I laughed, nodding as I finished up and stepped out of the shower. "Netflix, naked cuddling, and either Chinese takeout or pizza. That's my plan." I teased, kissing his cheek once as I walked past and into the bedroom to turn on the tv.

Finally, things are better.


Woooooow. This took for fucking ever to update 😂 I'm sooooo sorry about that! I feel bad for taking so long :(  . Anyways, I'll try to do it a little more often, but now I've got a full time job and normal side things I have to do daily. Hope you enjoyed!

??? Favorite serial killer/ felon ???

Maxx 🖤

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