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 The Bad Boy And Me! ~ Beat-up




Zayn's P.O.V.

"To the principal's office Mr. Malik! NOW!'' i look at my teacher and see the evil in his eyes, i looked at him back straight in the eyes back giving him some of the evil in me...i picked up my bag and walked to the principals door with Mr Howards following me! i look back at him and pulled my hand and swayed it for him to go infront of me! he walked infront of me and shoulderd me. i looked at hm as he opened the door to the principals i see my best mate Nick, i looked at him confused trying to think about why the hell is he here! The principal Mrs. Willow, she sound like she is a kind a peacefull woman but she's not, she's the most scariest and most strict principal you'll ever meet! she make seniors pee their pants! "So what have you done this time mr. malik? you had better not have vandelised the school! have you?" i looked at her and felt the fear trembling from my toes up to my head, "umm, no miss, i was taking a drink from the bubbler and then sir, dragged me to your office!" she looked at me as i have done nothing wrong. then she looked at mr. Howards like she was about to explode. then she looked at me, "you can leave now! get to class! i dont want to see you in my office again today!" i looked at her as i picked up my bag and ran out of the room! i looked back and crashed...

"Oh, ahh im so sorry!"  i looked up at her and see that shes picking up her books from the floor, "ahh, its okay its my fault for running!" i smiled as she held her hand out "i'm Ariana Grace." i looked at her and smiled i held my hand out and slid my hand through her palm "im-ahh Zayn, Zayn Malik!'' i smiled and felt my hand start to tingle up against her hand, she quickley put her hand back and balanced her books, i got up and helped her up she stood up and wipped the dust from her bum, i smiled and picked up her bag and gave it to her, she smiled at me and looked at the clock at the end of the hall, her eyes widened and started to run again. "it was nice to meet you!" and ran out the door, i smiled and gave a little laugh! i walked down the hall and ran to my locker to get my sketch book and heard the bell ring. I stuck my book into my bag and ran out the door before everyone else was rushing to get home. 

Later At Zayns Apartment! 

"i just can't stop thinking about her!"

"you guy's only met today how could you just fall for her?"

"i-i dont know i just felt a conection between us!"

"but it cant happen! she's probably in a higher grade than you and she'll never fall for you once she knows that you've been to juvy!"

"yeah i knw but i just-ahh her eye's they just looked straight at me and my heart just started to race like it has never done before!" 

"okay, well, for starters do you now her name?" 

"yeah, why?"

"Who started the conversation between you and her?" 

"well i was running away from the principals office and we crashed!" 

"Was she running?" 

"ahh yeah i think so! why?"

"cause she might've bee running from something or to someone!" 

"and your meaning?"

She might have a deep secret like your's"

"yeah, okay cya dude!" 

"bye, hey good luck with her!" 

 I smiled and hung up, i ran into my room to get my sketch pad out i run back onto the floor and start to get draw i started with the eyes and then continued onto the hair i drew all night. it was the next day and we had school i was running late and i missed the bus i had to run to school or else i'd get into detention again. i got here in time with the bell and i look strait ahead as im about to walk into my classroom i see four boys surrounding Ariana, i run towards them and see they start to unbutton her shirt i budge in and pull her out before they get any lower to her skirt! They start to pull me away from Ariana and start to kick her in the back, i punch the boy holding onto me and run and jump toward Ariana and punch him across his face he looks at me as blood drips down from his nose he points to me and looks at his friends i scream out to Ariana to run but she looks at me and shakes her head...  the boys mates hold me down onto the ground and start to punch me, no-one was around to help so no-one can get help. i start to try and roll over trying to get away from them but they pull me back! i'll never forget the feeling of being punched several times in the nose, cheeks, ear, stomach, leg i can never forget the heat being forced onto my face, the feeling of blood dripping from my head and nose! the feeling of feeling my heart beat...BOOM BOOM, BOOM BOOM, then hearing that same constant rhythm just stop! the feeling of no heart-beat you just know that it has given up on you....i tried to keep it going, but the breath of my lungs where broken, i was numb i was gone! the last thini see are the eyes of a beautifull girl! a girl that i love but can't show, a girl that i protect but fail to sucseed cause it will come straight back to me! the hurt! the break! the nothing i'll end up as! 





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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2014 ⏰

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