Chapter seventeen

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The CD started playing and the first thing it showed was me.

It was a video of me begging father to stop beating me. The video was from years ago. It brought back all the memories and I couldn't breathe. It felt as if someone was chocking me with the memories. My heart was racing and all I wanted to do was curl into a ball, so I dropped to the ground.

To my surprise, Theo sat near me and wrapped his arms around me, " You don't have to watch if you want." I looked at Rean and he also nodded.

"No, I want to watch." I said before watching it again.

That was on my birthday when father beat me because I asked him for a birthday cake. That clip ended and the next one was the one of me helping Rean that day.

They know it was me. They had the video. I didn't even check for cameras.

After that clip my father came on screen.

"Theodore Paura Alessendro. I know you have my daughter. And I don't know why she is helping you, but if I were you, I would send her back to me.

Yaana Mary Diaz, I know you are watching this and if you do not want me to beat you shitless the next time I see you, come home this instant."

With that, the video ended.

I was crying and Theo hugged me tightly. In another situation, I would have gone mad with happiness but right now, the fear of my father won't let me feel anything else.

I hear Rean leave the room and now it was just me and Theo.

I hugged him back and his body stiffened. He didn't push me away. "Yaana, it's going to be okay. You will be safe with me. I promise, I won't let him lay a finger on you."

"No, you don't know him. Now that he knows I am with you, he will harm you and your people."

"Yaana, I know Ricardo. He can't do shit. Rean was just caught unguarded. And he assures me that it won't happen again. In fact, Rider is going to die from the hands of Rean. Calm down."

"Okay." I said and I still didn't let him go. I am going to live this moment fully. "Theo, why do you hate me?"

"Yaana, I told you, I don't hate you."

"Then kiss me." I was shocked at the words that came out of my mouth. Did I just say that out loud? Oh god this is it. The moment.

Theo pulled away from the hug and looked at me. His eyes were questioning and confused. So I decided to repeat myself. "If you don't hate me, kiss me. Kiss me Theo. I know I look desperate, but please kiss me. I need you to kiss me. Last few days have been tough, so I need you. I need you to kiss me. Please kis...."

His lack of words made me hesitantly looked up at him. The swirls of emotion I saw there made me gasp. Lust and desire? However, before I could ponder about it further, he yanked me to him and covered my mouth with his in a passionate kiss.

As our lips crushed together, I felt like I was walking on air. It was magic, the way his lips connected with mine. His mouth was so warm, the caress of his lips softer than I could have imagined and I opened my mouth with a low moan.

At that moment, it seemed like eternity and infinity stood still at that moment.


As we pulled away to breathe, I stared into her brown eyes, I cupped her cheek that was completely flushed now. I slowly leaned towards her before capturing her lips again. I was holding her waist with one hand and my other hand was shaking slightly, my mind was repeating the same sentence over and over, "Don't do this, Don't do this." But the sound of my heart was beating so loudly that I couldn't concentrate. It felt like it was going to explode.

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