Chapter twenty one

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An ugly man covered in tattoos came in last night and gave me food. It tasted like shit, but despite that I ate it.

I have lost count of the hours I have been stuck in here. I can't feel the pain or the cold anymore. I feel numb. Why am I even alive? I am begging for death to come and save me, given that no one else is coming. Not even Theo.

The ugly man came in and dragged me out of the cell. He blindfolded me and yanked me by the hair. He dragged me up some stairs and shoved me on to a chair.

He took off my blindfold and I was almost blinded by the bright light infront of me. When my vision cleared, I saw him. My father. Sitting right across me.

"My darling Ana. The bitchiest daughter in the whole world. Hello!"

I couldn't say anything. The man I have been hiding from the past five years is sitting in front of me.

"You look so much like your mother. I bet you even dress like her to spite me huh?" He banged on the table between us.

I flinched. " F....father.."

"Don't talk. I didn't ask you to talk. Theodore is coming."


My lips curled into a smile, but soon faded away as my father continued. " You are not supposed to talk to him. Let him talk, do not talk. I don't know how you know each other, but believe me, this is the last time you are going to see him."

"Don't kill him, father." I begged my father.

"Hahahaha, not yet. But I will. Now shut the fuck up. He is coming."

Father left the room and after sometime Theo entered the room.

He looks as good as the day I left him at the restaurant. He was wearing a black shirt and black pants. His black hair was messed up and there were eye bags under his eyes that clearly says he didn't sleep a wink the past days.

He came closer and my stunned eyes locked onto the familiar grey ones. But they weren't just a grey, that term was far too plain in comparison. His eyes shimmered like the rare rays of light bouncing off of pebbles on a cloudy day. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

We stared at each other and the next moment, I was pulled into his arms and locked in his embrace. In his embrace, the world stopped still on its axis. My mind is at peace.

This was the love I had waited for, prayed for. I inwardly thanked God and hugged him tightly.

We pulled away after some time and he talked first.

"Yaana. You are alive. Oh god, you are alive."

I am not supposed to talk. So I simply nodded.

"Oh god, I missed you so much. I searched the whole city. I went fucking crazy searching for you. You are so stupid. You ran away on the first fight we had. You are stupid. And now, we are in this position. I can't take you home. I ....I don't know what to do. I just know that I...."

Without listening to what he had to say, I kissed him.
Sparks flew in every direction and the world was slowly disappearing around us, along with all of our worries, our troubles, our problems.

He made me feel like none of that mattered. His lips we moving in perfect sync, my hand running through his hair. He pulled me closer deepening the kiss and making it more passionate. I felt his hands on my my back, playing with the ends of my hair.

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