Things... Are Making A Bit Of Sense

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I guess,

I'm starting to crack

The enigmatic being

That is me.


I'm telling you this

With utmost honesty:

The more I uncover about myself,

The more ashamed I am

Of my thoughts...

The more repulsed I am

By myself.

The more afraid I am

Of the person I truly am.

The more hopeless

I feel in regards to the topic of love.


Who can love

The true me...

Who can love

The true me?

(And I've got more...

Lots more

To unravel -

But already

I'm looking

Like a vessel of sadness.

A conceited fool...

And sad, sad, insecure kid.)

To make things worse

They say you need to learn to love yourself

Before someone else can


Love's kinda a hopeless case for me?

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