Distressing Nights

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A/N: Songs are : Fujita Maiko- Nee & Prince of Egypt River Lullaby Japanese (subbed)

Mitch's sleepwear is this: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Men-s-pajamas-gauze-kimono-sleepwear-japanese-style-clothing-cotton-Men-lounge-pajama-set/32793039736.html?spm=2114.40010708.4.116.bdyync  I thought it was perfect for a guest sleepwear.

                                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Middle of Night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The storm outside was showing it's power as it raged beyond the walls of Kyoto University Hospital on this dark night...inside the sounds of wails could be heard as people cried in pain or in sorrow. Earlier this evening the storm claimed lives as it aimed it's might at the city below where it caused a landslide to destroy parts of Kyoto to the North. Within the hospital walls was a young woman walking around the Pediatrics of the North Ward...her hair was dark brown and pinned up on top of her head...her eyes were a lovely green that made most people gasp at how intense they were. She was slowly making her way down the hallways, eyes and ears taking in the sounds of her sleeping charges within their rooms. As she made her way along , one of the nurses came running up to her...the young woman's hair was cropped short and was tassled from her rushed flight as she called to the other woman.

"Hara-san...Hara-san! Sensai needs you in room 203, she sent me to find you quick." the young woman was a bit out of breath as she came up to her colleague. Hara gave her a nod and turned to make her way in the direction indicated when suddenly the elevator doors rang out as they opened. There was something about it that made her glance back and she saw two men exiting the elevators as they made their way towards NICU where the babies slept. One of the men made Hara pause for he looked like an old college flame of hers that was lost to her nearly eleven years ago.She made to chase after him to see if it was him, but the other nurse began to tug on her hand to get her to move quicker with her.

"Hara-san! We need to go ..now!" she looked at the young woman briefly...torn between allowing the woman to drag her along or to give chase and see if it was him. Her sense of duty kicked in and she decided to follow along with her fellow nurse...knowing in the back of her mind it was just her own wishful thinking, for there was no way Kai-Anji could be here in Japan...believing he was still in the United States, waiting and searching for her all these past years she has been gone.

It has been eleven years since she saw him back in college where they both attended at the same time, with her under a different name then...Laurel Tavers. She was considered a prodigy at seventeen and was allowed with the permission of her parents to enter college ...and that is where she met him, Kai-Anji, her soul mate. Those months that she was there was filled with joy and happiness as they basked in the love of their relationship, even though they had to keep it a secret from everyone around because she knew his family would never approve...especially that man he called his best friend, Keiran O'Shea. He made everyone think that him and Kai-Anji were friends, but Laurel knew the truth about him...Mr. O'Shea was a controlling man who kept her beloved under his control, she did not know how he was doing it but she knew he was because her beloved Kai-Anji would have never allowed another woman to get close to him. The reason she knew this was one day she overheard Kai-Anji telling a woman named Carol that Keiran was such a dominating man with Daddy issues...she knew then that Keiran O'Shea was hell spawn and she needed to get her love away from this devil's influence. It came to a head one night on Valentines day when she caught one of Keiran's bitches trying to seduce her love by dragging Kai-Anji up to his room, by using her feminine wiles on him at a weak moment. Seeing that woman with her hand on Laurel's sweet, clueless love enraged Laurel past the point of her control...she had to do something now and save her beloved before he was violated by this succubus. 

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