Raechel Harchey

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"She's crashing."

"Get me the Suppressorlite. Now Mara!"

"Sir, I can't hold onto her. She's too strong."

"I don't understand what's happening. This has never happened before."

"Be careful of her head."

"Can somebody hold her hand still? If she pulls that cannula out there's trouble."

"Yes Sir."

"Her nose is bleeding pretty heavily."

"Is she having an allergic reaction to the anaesthetic?"

"Not now she isn't. That would have happened before we'd even started the transfer."

"She should be recovering by now."

"Don't state the obvious Deacon!"

"Sorry Sir."

"Raise her head slightly."

"Like this?"

"Not so quickly."

"Her heart rate is slowing Sir."

"Alright, that's good."

"I think the nosebleed is stopping."

"Are you sure Mara?"

"Very sure Sir."

"Lucie can you grab an oxygen mask please?"

"Yes Sir."

"Place it over her mouth quickly."

"Should I remove the Suppressorlite Sir?"

"Yes Mara. She's stopped convulsing and I'm happy her heart rate is now back under control."

"Should we continue with the Nutritia?"

"You tell me."

"Her count is four hundred per cell."

"I think we should wait until she's at least six hundred and then I'll be happy to take that away."

"Ok Sir."

Zadicus Welter, leading Seeper at The Gauze, looked down at his patient lying on the bed. Her face could have been a rainbow for the tubes of every size and colour that spewed out from her nose and throat. He noticed a slight twitching of her fingers as he removed the cannula from beneath the skin, reassuring him that there hadn't been any serious nerve damage incurred as a result of the incredibly delicate surgery. He knew that she was strong, but she had never looked quite as delicate and fragile as she did right at this moment.

"Can you hear me Raechel? It's all over now. You gave us a bit of a scare back then but you're alright now."

"Her breathing seems to be steadying now and her cell count has reached six hundred."

"This girl is a fighter."

"I'm taking out the Nutritia."

"Be gentle, don't pull too harshly."

"Will she be ok"

"She'll be fine now."

"How do you know this Sir?"

"I just do."

"Shall I begin transferring Neuronite?"

"She'll be just fine without it, trust me."

"But there's a significant risk of a stroke without the Neuronite."

"If you look at the monitor, you will plainly see that she is functioning just fine without it. Whilst some patients will require Neuronite to restore regular brain function, it is always worth noting that there may be occasions where it is not necessary. Administering Neuronite without proper cause can result in more harm than good."

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