Raechel Harchey

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Raechel fell to the floor with a thud and turned to face the speaker. A young woman stood before her, her arms were folded across her chest, and she wore an angry frown upon her face. She had thick dark hair that was pulled back into a tight bun. Her hair appeared to be so tightly fixed that her eyebrows were raised because of the taut skin.

"What are you doing?" she said. Her mouth barely moved as she spoke.

"I needed to get out of that room." Raechel responded, raising herself up onto her elbow before slowly rising to her feet.

"You're not supposed to wander round the corridors without supervision, it's foolish and dangerous. What if you had collapsed somewhere and nobody found you for hours? It's our duty to take care of you, especially in your fragile state. You're clearly not yourself."

"How do you know I'm not myself?" Raechel snapped.

"It doesn't take a genius to work it out, you're lying in a cupboard." She nodded her head towards Raechel. "Besides, you've just undergone a seriously intricate operation. You have to give your body the best chance of recovery and that starts with resting up somewhere comfortable."

"I'm fine. I feel really good."

"Are you sure about that?" She probed. The expectant expression on her face suggested that she was expecting a different answer.

"Yes. I've never felt better."

"Then why are you stumbling around in the cleaner's cupboard?" The woman raised her eyebrows.

Raechel turned behind her to observe the contents of the room she'd fallen into. Sure enough, there were the typical cleaning utensils leant up against the walls of the dark room. She noticed a brand new Vacuroom stood underneath the glass shelving unit that was mounted on the wall. It was covered in various cleaning products of every scent, colour and consistency.

"As I said, I just needed to get out of that room," Raechel replied, turning back to face the woman. "I didn't know it was the cleaning cupboard."

"Well you do now and hopefully we won't find you in here again. I have to say, I would've thought the sign on the door saying 'Cleaning Cupboard' might've been a slight giveaway but we aren't all the most observant." She took a step towards Raechel and held out her hand.

"What are you doing?" Raechel asked, taking a step away from the woman.

"You can't be in there. Come on, let's go back to your room. You need to rest Raechel, all of this running around isn't going to be good for you." She took another step forward and reached her hand out even further.

"I don't want to go back in there." Raechel cried. She couldn't bear the thought of going back into the room with all the wires and the beeping. She wanted to go home.

"It doesn't matter what you want unfortunately, you are under the care of medical professionals who are advising that you return to where you were. We need to make sure you are in the best place to aid your chances of a full recovery. I'm telling you; we need to get you back inside your room."

"Why are you so desperate to get me back in there?" A surge of pain like a tidal wave crippled Raechel's upper body. She merely winced, despite it feeling as though a burning metal poker was being plunged into her head. Despite what this woman had said about caring for her, Raechel didn't to give them any reason to think that something was wrong.

"Because I want to help you and your bed is the best place for you right now."

"I just want a little bit of freedom. I really need some air." Raechel looked behind the woman to the frosted glass window behind her. Even the view of the outside world had been distorted.

"I know how you must feel right now but it wouldn't be sensible to go outside so soon. The quicker you rest up, the quicker we can get you back out into the world."

"It doesn't seem like I have much choice."

"I don't want to lock you away Raechel, I want to make sure you are comfortable and conserving your energy. Do not forget that the procedure your body has endured has put it under immense pressure and you should be resting or you won't heal."

"I don't just want to lie in a bed and wait for someone to tell me when I'm ok. I know how I feel. I feel really good."

"What exactly do you think is going on Raechel? You seem so convinced that you don't want to be here. I want to know why." She stared blankly at Raechel for a moment.

"I just don't think you know me that's all."

"Raechel, I wouldn't be here right now if I didn't know what's best for you or if I didn't care what happened to you either. If I walk away now, it could potentially jeopardise your recovery and none of us want that. You don't want that."

"Please, could you give me a minute?" Raechel asked.

"Why do you need a minute?"

"I...I n-need to check s-something." Raechel stuttered nervously.

"Check what? Is something wrong?" She took three steps closer towards her and Raechel took three steps back.

"Nothing's wrong."

"You're looking a little pale, Raechel. Are you sure you're alright?" She held out her hand out to steady Raechel but instead she pulled herself away out of reach and backed herself further into the cupboard. She reached the furthest wall and pressed her back up against it. The lady paused in the doorway, a sad expression on her face. She sighed deeply before reaching for the door handle, shutting it quickly and locking Raechel inside the cupboard.

"What are you doing?" Raechel screamed in panic.

"You said you didn't want to go back to your room. This will hold you for now until we can move you there. I will not risk your safety and give into your demands."

"You have to let me out. You can't lock me in here." She yelled, banging on the door.

"No, I only have to do what is right by you and I will."

All Raechel could hear in the darkness was the hissing sound of gas as it poured out of one of the vents and filled the room. It gathered on the ceiling before falling like a thick blanket on top of her. She felt it burn her nostrils as it forced its way in and filled her lungs. It tasted acrid on her tongue. She desperately tried to hold her breath but it was to no avail. Her knees gave way underneath her and she fell onto the cold tiles into a crumpled heap.

She fought to stay awake but it was no use. Her eyelids grew heavier and heavier with each breath until eventually she surrendered.

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