Additional Chapter-part 2

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Yoongi P.O.V

I went back home and my parents were surprised yet shocked to see me standing infront of them.

"Yoongi-ah!! Where were you?? We have been looking for you everywhere and why you didn't answer your phone??" My mom said as soon she saw me and hugged me. Few seconds later and she start crying. I really felt bad for my parents, I always make them worried.

"I'm sorry mom and dad" I said

"Where have you been?are you okay?"

"Yes mom I'm okay! I was taken by them but thank god I escaped from them"

"Did they found you before going to the flight?" My dad asked

"I couldn't get into the flight"

"What we will do?"

"I need to report them but there's no hope of that as we already did it and nothing changed. They're still looking for me and they want to kill me!" I said as I sat down.

"Call your friends, they were so worried about you!" My dad said and I took his phone to call them since mine was out of charge.

Next morning>>>

I woke up lazily and looked at the clock and it was 11am.

"I'm still sleepy, I should get more sleep!" I said and I went back to sleep but as soon as I did, I heard my phone. I got up and checked it

"Message!?, from unknown caller ID!" Who could it be? I opened the message and I was so shocked.

"Come to that pretty girl's house otherwise she will be dead! Ah and no police! I warned you!!

-storm gang"

"Aish!! I told her to come with me" I got up as soon I read it. I changed and went down stairs, I showed the message to my parents and my dad suggested to call the police.

"Dad!! We can't! they will hurt her!" I shouted

"We have to catch them at the act! We have no other choice. We will call them after you arrive so they wouldn't know!" My dad told me but I kept refusing

"Yoongi! It's our chance to get them otherwise they will kill you"

"But if anything wrong happens she will die!!" I shouted again. I can't let them kill her.

"I promise you that wouldn't happen!"

I couldn't say anything, I just left to her house.

After half an hour I reached to her house and the door was already opened. I went in and they were waiting in the living room. And she is there too. I looked at her and she smiled. Is she serious, how can she smile.

"There you are, and there's no police. Good boy" the one that was holding her said.

"I'm here. Leave her alone!" I said as I walked closer

"Sure deal is deal" other one who was holding gun said.

As they were letting her go. She walked slowly to my direction. I was about to catch her hand. One of them clicked the gun. I was frozen in my place. I didn't feel anything, did they shot her. I looked down at her and I saw blood. They really shot her.

"Opps..." the one shot her said sarcastically which made me so angry.

"Why did you do that!? I told you to leave her!" I shouted but my voice was broken because I was sad and crying

"Don't worry, you will follow her!" As soon he said that the police came in

"Freeze no one move!"

"Call the ambulance now!!" I shouted. Then one of them came to my side and looked at her, then called the ambulance.

They took the gang out and the ambulance arrived. They took her to the hospital. I got in the ambulance too. I looked at her and she was helpless and tired.

"Thank god you're saved..." she said with a weak smile then pass out. I was about to say something but they told me she lost lots of blood so of course she would pass out. Soon we reached the hospital.

They took her into the surgery room and I waited outside. After hours the doctor came out. I got up and went to him.

"How is she?"

"The surgery was successful and thankfully the bullet wasn't near the spinal cord and I didn't went too deep. But since she lost lots of blood, we will wait for her to wake up and see how her condition is" he said and left.

This is so wrong why does she have to be in this situation instead of me. She's like that because of me, a helpless guy who couldn't even protect her while she almost lost herself just to protect me. What I will do now. I'm so scared and I'm afraid to go in and see her. My phone rang for three times but I wasn't in the mood to answer it, since I'm sitting here safe and she's laying there almost dying. I kept crying and crying, treats wouldn't stop. I felt so terrible. I heard my phone ringing for the fourth time so I answered it this time.

"Yah!! Hyung are you okay?" It was Namjoon

"Yes..." I managed to say

"We heard about the girl from your parents...and the police took that gang. But are you really okay??"

"......" I didn't say anything so he continued

"Is she okay!" He asked

"She in the ICU....Namjoon....I don't know what to do! She almost died saving me while I'm sitting here doing nothing for her..." I said in my cries

"Hyung don't worry she will be okay. Everything will be okay!" He said

"It's not once but twice!! She tried to save me two times, the first I made her kill someone just to save me and now she got shot instead of me!! I don't want to lose her!" I said while crying harder.

"Yah! Yoongi! Are you kid, don't cry and stand as a man next to her and encourage her to wake up! She will be fine. You just need to wait for her to wake up!" This was Jin hyung. Yes he's right I'm just a crowd kid who only knows how to cry....I wiped my tears off and got up.

"Thanks hyung and everyone. I will go and be by her side" I said a bit cheerfully

"Yes this is my Yoongi!! If you need anything just call us okay!?" I laughed at Jimin's statement

"It's Hyung not My Yoongi" I said while laughing

"Omo did Hyung just laugh!!" I heard them laughing as well.

"Thanks a lot guys, bye" I said with a smile on my face. I know she will be okay. She will wake up.
Heyyyy!! here's part 2 of the additional chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Sorry for any mistakes.

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