Chapter Two

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I stared at Ashlynn who seemed content to just sit in her seat admiring the same cheese burger on her plate. She noticed my attention on her and she looked up, smiling. I felt my face heat up slightly and I knew I was beginning to blush. What the hell is wrong with me? I sat there stunned, not moving a muscle.

"Excuse me?" I asked her as I slowly put my burger back onto the plate. "Is this a joke?" I added as I began to look around the cafeteria, noticing the looks that the many students were giving both Ashlynn and myself. Most of the looks were of astonishment while others held some disgust. There were even a few that held some hostility towards me.

"No, it is not." Ashlynn said still smiling just before she lowered her head slightly and took a bite out of her burger.

I was still stunned as to why she was here, and now apparently, it is of her own free will. I slowly picked up my burger, still focusing my gaze on her wondering if there is in fact a hidden agenda.

We ate in silence until both of our burgers were finished. I saw the look of content on her face as she ate the last piece and it would seem she really likes these cheeseburgers. I sat back and watched her push her tray to the side and then her gaze met mine. I noticed a soft blush rise to her cheeks at the same moment I felt heat rise within mine.

"Why are you sitting here?" I asked her still a little confused at this whole situation. For a brief moment I thought I saw a hint of pain cross her features but the smile returned almost instantly.

"Because I want to." She said with a soft chuckle as she picked up her bottle of water and took a sip. Even this ordinary movement of taking a sip of water had an affect on me. Just what the hell is happening to me? I screamed inside my head.

"I don't believe you. No one wants to sit here." I told her as she leaned further forward, her smile growing larger.

"But it's the truth. You seem to intrigue me." She said as she tipped her head slightly to the left. She reached out her right hand offering to shake mine. "I'm Ashlynn. It's a pleasure to meet you."

I watched her hand slowly wondering if she truly meant that. Deciding to give her the benefit of the doubt, I reached over and shook her hand softly before quickly pulling my own away. "Malachi."

"Interesting name." She said with another large smile. I could be wrong but she seemed to be enjoying herself here. "Tell me about yourself."

"I don't understand. Why do you want to know about me?" I asked her as I leaned against my arms on the table. I tilted my head just before her right hand shot forward stealing one of my fries. "Hey! Those are mine." I told her and in return all I received was a chuckle.

"Sharing is caring." She told me still chuckling. "And I want to know about you because, and I have stated before. You intrigue me." She pointed the half eaten fry at me near the end of her statement.

"Fine, but these are my fries." I told her as I pulled them closer to me. "And there really is not much to say about me. According to the student body, I am the school nerd. To be honest, that is what I sort of am. In my brief stunt in high school, I have only received a grade lower than an A once. And even that was a B+.

"I don't play sports due to it being uninteresting to me. I love to cook and work as an assistant chef at Cyrus, the cafe close to here." I began my little introduction to her, only to be interrupted at this point.

"Oh, I love that place." She said with a big smile. "They have this dark chocolate cake with a white chocolate icing. It is amazing!" He said, using her hands to gesture just how amazing this cake was.

"Thank you." I replied with a smile. Of course she wouldn't know that I am the one who bakes at the cafe. The main cook, Trey, deals with the everyday meals while I am left to do the baking in the early morning.

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