Chapter 11 :: Aiden and Zeke

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The sun shimmied it's way through my closed curtains and shined right over my eyes. I squeezed my eyes shut and turned over so that the sun couldn't harm me. I pulled the blankets over my head so the the cold air of my room wouldn't cause me to freeze to death. Even though I was awake, I didn't want to get out of bed today. My mind was still hazy from sleep, but I could vividly remember all the events that occurred yesterday.

I still couldn't believe that Chat took the time out of his day to come visit me. Everyone was looking out for me yesterday and I bet one of them told Chat after I left and he came to check up on me. How else would he have known where I was or who I was? Maybe Chat showed up to the party after me? I mean, I did leave the party a little early after all. Not only that, but even Adrien showed that he cared last night. I've never seen that side of him before- wait. Come to think of it, if Adrien put on a black mask and a cat suit he would look exactly like Chat Noir. Wait...what if Adrien  is  Chat Noir?? Wait- no, no that's ridiculous Adrien would never-

"Y/N are you awake yet?" Sabii asked from her makeshift bed.

I didn't speak to her but hummed yes in response. It was silent for a moment before I felt something plop on the bed in front of me. I cracked my eyes open to see Sabii sitting down in front of me, a couple inches away from my face.

"Someone had an eventful night last night." She giggle.

I gave her a tired smile, "You're right."

"It seems like Chat has really taken a liking towards you."

I shook my head and rubbed my eyes, "No it's nothing like that."

"Are you sure?" Sabii asked in a suggestive tone. "It seemed as if you two really hit it off last night."

I began to stretch my stiff muscles, listening to the various bones and vertebrates pop, "Seemed that way." I spoke as I lugged myself up into a sitting position. I blinked the sleep away from my eyes and looked around my room. It was exactly the way I left it, but now there was a folded up piece of paper sticking to the wall next to my balcony door. 

Sabii noticed me looking over at it so she flew over to it and brought it over to me, "It's from Chat. I watched him write this to you last night."

I nodded taking the note from my kawami and looked at the front of it. It read: 'To my Princess' in a beautiful cursive font. Wow, nice handwriting Chat. I thought while a smiled graced my lips. I unfolded the paper and once the message had been revealed to me, I began to read it:

To my sleepy-headed Princess,

I had an amazing time with you last night. I wish I could've stayed longer, but my transformation was beginning to wear off. I wish that we could hang out again sometime. Who knows? Maybe we could hang out tomorrow night. I'll even use the front door if you'd like. It all depends on you, Princess.


Your Knight in Shining Armor.

P.S. Never forget that I'll always be there for you.

P.P.S Did you know that you snore in your sleep?

Huh, I guess Chat has noticed my horrible sleeping habits too. Nonetheless, I'm flattered that he enjoyed spending just as much time with me as I did with him. I folded the note up and placed it neatly on my desk. I turned on my heel to look back at Sabii, "You hungry?" I asked.

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