pChapter 3 surviving

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I limped towards her, and threw myself to the floor. Her hair was all over her face in a bloody paste and my hands began to shake as I moved the hair from her face and sat her upwards. On her forhead there was a deep gash where she must have hit the floor with great force. It was still gushing blood so, with some hesitation, I placed the palm of my hand on her gash and pressed down on it. When I lifted my hand it was full of blood but it seemed that the gushing had slowed down.  I cut off the other pant leg and ever so carefully wrapped it around her forhead. I reached for the bag and pulled out a water bottle, I opened it and poured some into my hand. I spread my wet hand all over her face to clean off the blood and suddenly she jolted awake as if she had been sleeping the whole time. When my mom opened her mouth to speak all that came out was dirt. She had inhaled some of the dirt on the floor after the bomb, so I lifted the water bottle to her lips and poured the water into her mouth. She drank half of the bottle before she could actually speak. Before I could say anything.... BOOM! The last bomb hit and I crumpled to the floor and it all went black. When I woke up for the third time, I immediately searched for my mom, but she was gone. I got up completely ignoring my leg, grabbed my bag including everything that fell on the floor, and ran to the ladder. Before I even got up I heard a woman's scream followed by several more, that was when I realized I had recovered my hearing. When I reached the top of the ladder and opened the top I found out that the screaming was coming from my mother as she stared in horror at what remained of our village. Once I began to look I realized why she was screaming. Not only were the houses destroyed but hundreds of bodies or what was left of them were strewn across the ground. My mom began to walk towards one of the bodies that must have been familiar to her and it was'nt long before she stopped dead in her tracks. I walked towards her and looked down at the body she was standing over and was horrified to see Mrs. Jobs, my mom's bestfriend. She had been impaled with what looked like a pole from a fence and the face of terror still stuck on her face. My mom turned the other way, bent over, and started vomiting. I rubbed her back and gave her some more water, and wrapped my arm around her and kept walking. We passed so many bodies and tears streamed down my face as I saw so many people that I had grown up with. We walked by the body of a woman on the floor hunched over inside her destroyed house. I walked closer and moved her body to find the body of a little boy hugging his mother tight in their last moments. I cryed as I got up and continued walking with my mom. We passed a similar body except the woman was pregnant and she was holding her stomach. My mom just stared at the woman and then looked at me and said, "That could've been me." I replied, " But it was'nt you." The next body I saw it was my turn to stop dead in my tracks. My eyes began to fill with tears so much I could barely see the body. I knelt down and picked up the limp body of Emily, the little girl I met in the market. Her head was the only thing poking out from the rubble, her eyes were paralyzed in fear. I wish I was their to protect her. I spilled a little bit of water onto my hands and cleaned her dirt covered face. Then I put my hand over her eyes and shut them closed. Before I could go I had to find her doll, I knew it was too important for her to just leave it. I began to search through all the rubble, ignoring the tears running down my face, I finally found her tiny hand pinning the doll to her chest. I removed the rubble from her waist up and put both hands on her doll. I bent over and gave her a kiss on the forhead and forced myself to step away from the body. I realized I was gonna lose a lot of people I cared about but I can't mourn right now I have to take care of my mom and sister.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2014 ⏰

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