Chapter 12: The Journey Beginnings

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The next morning I awoke to someone calling inside my Den. I opened my eyes slightly and Lightkit was standing there with a worried look on her face.

"What is it Lightkit?"

"It's Snowpelt, she hasn't gotten up this morning. She was suppose to show me the river one last time before we leave. But she won't wake up." I got to my feet quickly and rushed out of the den to the Elder's Den. Snowpelt was laying in her nest peacefully when I went to check her pulse she didn't have one...

"Snowpelt..." Lightkit was standing beside me looking worried still.

"Do something Frostmeadow!" She said sharply as if I could bring someone back from the dead.

"She's dead, Lightkit..."

"No! She can't be dead!" I sighed and pushed her out of the den.

"Go to the Nursery."

"No! You help Snowpelt!" Everyone who was awake turned to stare at the scene now.

"Go to the Nursery, Lightkit." I said more firmly.


"Go!" I yelled finally and she flinched. "She's dead I can't help her anymore!" I lost it. She backed away and then ran to the Nursery. I shuttered as I looked back at the she-cat's white pelt inside the den.

"Frostmeadow?" I saw Icystorm standing there.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap on her, but...there's nothing else I can do for Snowpelt."

"I know, don't worry about it. She doesn't quite understand death yet." I nodded.

"Please can you take Snowpelt's body away. Lightkit will be devastated if she saw her like this."

"Right." I went to the Nursery and Lightkit looked at me sadly.

"I just..."

"If you're going to be a Medicine Cat then you're going to need to not expect a miracle every time something happens to someone. Miracles don't always happen." I said before she could finish. "Are you serious about being my apprentice?"

"Y-yes." She stumbled.

"Then come with me. There's something I need to show you." I turned and I heard her stumbling after me as I headed towards the entrance to camp.

I took her to the river and she looked into the water with awe on her face.

"There's so many fish!"

"Come." I took her to the catmint that was growing by the water. "This is catmint, this is needed to help relieve stomachaches. It's one of the many herbs you'll have to know." She looked at it curiously. She sniffed it and backed away a little at the smell. I chuckled. "I never said it smelled good."

"Why are you showing me this?"

"Because it's the first thing Jayheart showed me. He taught me many things and I want to be able to teach you everything that he taught me. Lightkit, you will be a brave Medicine Cat but you can't be carefree. You can't expect everything to go right. Sometimes cats will die and there's nothing we can do about it. You can't get upset when they do, because then you are looking away from your clan and only at yourself. Do you understand now why I yelled at you in camp?" She nodded looking down at her paws. "To tell the truth...I still get upset when someone in the clan dies, but I have to push forward and do my best for the clan. For those who are still alive."

"I see..." she muttered. I touched her head lightly with my paw.

"You will make a fine Medicine Cat one day Lightkit."

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