Chapter 14: Mountains

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My paw felt worse and worse the more we traveled. I winced as we finally stopped for the night.

"Rest, and let Skyheart look at it." Moonlight mewed and I collapsed to my stomach. Skyheart padded over and checked the makeshift bandage I had made for myself.

"It's getting worse. You shouldn't keep traveling on it. We can rest for a few days."

"No, we have to keep going." I muttered.

"I can't let you Frostmeadow."

"You're not going to stop me." I closed my eyes and she sighed before padding away. I shivered at the cold breeze.

"Frostmeadow?" I opened one eye and Lightpaw was standing there.

"What is it?" I asked as gently as I could.

"Can I sleep here. My dad and mom are with the other Warriors." I lifted my tail up and she snuggled up against my fur. I rewrapped my tail around us both and I fell into a blissful sleep.

There will be a soaring gust that drives you apart...

I got to my feet the next morning, Lightpaw was sleeping still. It was really windy and I felt a bad omen coming. I noticed a kit standing towards the edge of the mountain.

"Moonlight!" I called out and pointed to the kit. That's when we both noticed the kit getting blown by the wind. We both sprang forward though my leg ached. The kit started to fall over. Moonlight reach her first and grabbed her but the wind pushed them both over the edge. I jumped and grabbed Moonlight's scruff.

"Sunstar!" Moonlight called out. He rushed over. "Help Frostmeadow!" I yanked as hard as I could. She started coming up and Sunstar helped me pull her the rest of the way.

I panted and a frantic mother rushed over takin the kit from Moonlight's grasp. I turned to my siblings once more and saw Moonlight shivering.

"It's okay, Moonlight." Sunstar said and I felt something cracking under my feet. They started padding away but stopped when they realized I wasn't following.

"Frostmeadow, come on." I shook my head, tears started to form in my eyes.

"If I move, the rocks will break." Everyone was now watching. Frostclaw had just returned with the rest of the hunting patrols.

"No! Frostmeadow, come here!" Moonlight cried out trying to come towards me.

"Stay back! You don't have to die too!" I pleaded and she froze. The rocks started breaking more.

"Frostmeadow..." Snowstar said lightly.

"I leave Lightpaw's training to Frostclaw. He knows everything I do. I'm sorry...I couldn't spend more time with you Lightpaw." I said lightly.

"No!" Lightpaw rushed up to me and the rocks broke. We both started to fall over the mountain. I pulled Lightpaw into me so if there was any way to survive she would. I saw all the cats on the mountain disappear. I closed my eyes expecting the end, but nothing came. I opened my eyes and saw someone standing over Lightpaw and I.

"W-who are you?" I asked. The cat had black fur with amber eyes.

"My name is Stream of Flowing Water. Who are you?"

"Frostmeadow and this is Lightpaw." I stammered.

"Come. We will help you recover." I got to my feet and Lightpaw slowly opened her eyes.

"We're alive?" She asked confused.

"Come." Stream said. I picked her up and followed after him quickly.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To the Tribe of Endless Wind."


"Do you not come from a Tribe?" I shook my head.

"No we come from the Clans."

"Clans? Interesting I have never heard of these Clans you speak of." We didn't say anything else before we arrived in front of a cavern. I followed slowly and felt my fur on edge. I held Lightpaw tightly so not to let anything happen to her.

"Stream, who are these cats?" Someone bellowed once we stepped into the dim light of the cavern.

"They say they come from something called a Clan. They were falling from the mountain. I had to save them." The gray tom nodded at him and padded over.

"My name is Gray of the Night Sky. Welcome to the Tribe of Endless Wind. Your names?"

"Frostmeadow and this is Lightpaw."

"Strange names for strange cats, but come we will tend to your wounds." I followed him limping heavily now. My leg and paw ached incredibly but I had to make sure Lightpaw was alright. "Petals on the Wind will help you and your small friend." Gray said as I set Lightpaw down. She stumbled a little. She seemed confused by everything but she immediately collapsed. I started checking her and was relieved that she had just passed out from exhaustion and shock.

"Your friend seems tired, but from what I heard it's to be expected. Frostmeadow, please allow me to tend to your paw." I sat down and allowed her to use some unknown herbs on my paw. At first it stung intensely, but it smoothed out and I felt a lot better.

"Thank you Petals."

"Of course, how is she?" She asked me as she looked at Lightpaw.

"She's exhausted and scared, she'll be okay once she rests for a bit. I shielded her with my body so I got most of the injuries."

"You're very brave."

"I don't know about that, but I want to protect her, she is my apprentice after all."


"Yeah she's my helper, when a kit turns six moons old they are allowed to join the ranks of apprentice and they are allowed to train with a mentor. In my Clan I am known as a Medicine Cat, which is what you do. I help heal my Clan in times of need and they need me right now more than ever. I need to get back."

"You won't be going anywhere for a few days. Please rest. I'll have Stream and Breeze go look for your Clan. They will be welcome here until you are ready to continue onwards."

"Thank you, Petals."

"Rest." I curled up next to Lightpaw, wrapping my tail around her and closing my eyes.

I hope everyone is alright...

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