Chapter 4- Friend #2

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     I look around for someone that looked like the way Winter had described her. Um, how did she describe her again? Meh, I’ll be able to find her, I know her name. It is Serenity, or something like that. As I’m walking I bump into somebody, it was a girl but I didn’t pay her mind. Just apologized quickly and continued my search. Until I saw someone on top of a building, swaying her head, and dangling legs that hung off the side of the building. It was night time so I couldn’t really see her, she sees me though, and jumps down with a thump. I thought she was hurt since there wasn’t any movement from her as she was crouched down from landing. There was total silence between us, then she sprang back up and leans right towards my face. Seriously though, what is up with people and getting so close to my face!? She had a huge grin across her face, “Hello! I’m the one they call Serenity!! Nice to meet you fellow cumquat!” it’s the name that Winter had told me, I guess this is her. I grab my hood with both my hands and hide my face again, “Hello, um my friend Winter said that I should talk to you…?” she takes a step back, dramatically if I should add, and gasps, “Winter!? Wow! Well it’s nice to meet you then uh…” she leans in again and whispers in my ear, “What’s your name?” I chuckle awkwardly. This one is a weird one, “my name is Koneko.” She thinks and nods, “that’s a nice name! Let’s get to business then!” she makes a serious face, or it was not really that serious, just a silly face. She crosses her arms, “Why did Winter send you here?” I gasp slightly and shrink back in my safe hoodie, “Um…I was hoping we could be…friends?” she blinks and bursts out laughing, “Sure! I’d love a new friend!!” I smile and let out my cheerful self, “Yay new friend!!” she was also a bit surprised of my personality change but jumps up and cheers, “Whoop whoop!! Let’s party!!!” I giggle, “Yeah!!”. She stretches and yawns though, she rubs her eyes, “Wow, I am tired, sorry about that Koneko! We’ll party later! Talk to you tomorrow!!” she whistles and a giant comes out of no where, I look at the giant and look at her. She laughs and shrugs, “there’s so much you can do with imagination!!! WHOOO!!” by her excitement you would think she wasn’t tired at all. I see her think to herself and then says, “na, a giant is boring now.” She sends the giant away and decided to walk instead. She looks back and waves, I wave shyly back, is everyone here that strange?
     I walk back to my tree and see Winter there waiting for me, she sees me and smiles, “So how’d it go with Serenity?” I sigh and smile back, “She was…a bit strange.” Winter giggles, “Yeah, she is, but she’s really fun and nice to talk to. I knew you’d like her.” I sit next to her, “How did you know that I would like her?” Winter giggles again and shrugs, “I just thought you needed someone more open to be open. I mean, I know that you hide a personality, anyways!” she gets up and dusts herself off, “I need to go. Sorry, I just have something to do. Bye Koneko, it was nice meeting you!” she smiles again and walks away. I smile and get comfy in my tree, I like this place, it’s nice…I feel myself start to sleep. I think I might stay here longer than expected, meet someone else that would be my friend. Maybe even more, my Idol! I drift off to sleep thinking that.

Gonna put two chapters because I can....blargh

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