Chapter 7- THE CIVIL WAR RETOLD! yes that's the name of the chapter!

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   Hiyori looks side to side, runs a few blocks, before doing the same thing again. I stagger along, I’m already out of breath. I stop to catch my breath, Hiyori sees me and throws a brick at me. As I look up it was already too late to dodge and it hit right….in the….FUCKING FACE! AGAIN! I quietly sob and Hiyori goes up to me, “You’re so out of shape! Get up! Move it before I shove you in a toaster!” she grabs me by my collar, now let me tell you, I was terrified. Very much terrified, Hiyori was glaring at me, I try to avoid her gaze and look behind her. I see the same blonde hair and black beanie hat, could it be? Hiyori notices me not looking at her and turns to see who I was staring at. Her eyes instantly become hostile, uh oh, this isn’t good. I gulp and look at Kate, she sees me and she turns pale, I tilt my head and notice something odd. I look at Hiyori, and once I did, I too turned as white as a ghost. Hiyori’s eyes were blood shot red, her eyebrows twitching, and fire surrounded her, she was mumbling to herself, she tightened her grip around my collar; her grip was too much that I was choking. She let’s go of me and I inhale precious air, air even though you’ve embarrassed me and trolled me, I missed you. I hear Hiyori let out a scream that only those who are pissed off would let out. I look up and Hiyori was making her way towards Kate, I run up and grab Hiyori under her arms. I hold her back and Hiyori was grunting, “LET ME AT HER!! SHE RUINED OUR SPAM!!” I laugh nervously and look at Kate who is clearly terrified. “I’m so sorry, she hit her head against a tree pretty badly must’ve affected her brain somehow!” Hey it wasn’t a total lie, I actually did tell the truth! Kate’s eyes go from terror to calm but still a bit hostile, “Oh it’s you two again.” Hiyori stops struggling and glares at her, “You two? BISH TAKE THAT BACK! WE’RE MORE THAN THAT!!” she tries to get out of my grasp but I wouldn’t let her. Kate looks at me, ignoring Hiyori, “So you must be Koneko.” “DON’T IGNORE ME!!!” Hiyori shouts and I grunt, “Yeah….agh, why’d you…Hiyori calm down! Ask?” I’m panting and Hiyori is still struggling. She leans closer, “Koneko, so you’re the person who ran out in the most unprofessional way possible.” I sweat drop, so she remembered the ‘epic escape’ I did. Hiyori is still struggling, “FITE ME! I DARE YOU!” She smiles at me a soft gentle smile, I couldn’t help but smile back. Hiyori gets out of my grasp and tackles Kate, “NO HIYORI STOP!!” I shout. They roll around on the ground and I try to break it up, “Hiyori! Kate! Stop it!!” I hear grunting, I felt so useless. It felt so frustrated, I couldn’t do anything to stop them, “Ow! Hiyori!” “Agh!! THAT HURT!” I don’t know what happened after I heard their grunts and shouts of pains. I clench my fists and shout, “I SAID STOP!!” I put my foot down and a heat wave comes bursting out of me. Kate and Hiyori are thrown back into a wall. My hood falls down and I freak out to put it back on, luckily Hiyori and Kate had their eyes closed from impact. They open their eyes and blink, “Woah what-” “was that…” they finished each other’s sentence. I hide my face, to be honest, I didn’t know myself. I know when I was a cat I had a pelt made entirely out of fire, but I didn’t know I could do that! Kate gets up and dusts herself, Hiyori does the same but instead of dusting herself off she runs towards me and shakes me vigorously. “THAT WAS AMAZING! NOW HELP ME DESTROY KATE!” I shake my head and look at Kate. She stares at me blankly at me, I smile at her and she smiles back. Hiyori notices this and glares at me, “Don’t befriend her Koko, don’t do it!” I look at her and sigh, “C’mon Hiyori, she isn’t that bad! I mean look! She looks super sweet and wouldn’t hurt a fly!” we both turn to look at Kate. She looked very innocent, well that was until she saw someone checking out an Oliver picture she put up. Her innocent stare turned into a Yandere glare, and she pulled out a chainsaw out of nowhere! Hiyori and I look at each other, both of us were terrified. Kate runs up to the person and growls, “Hey! GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF MY OLIVER OR FACE DEATH!” I freak out and run up to Kate. I step in front and laugh nervously, the person slowly took a step back and ran away. “SHE REALLY ISN’T THAT SCARY ONCE YOU GET TO KNOW HER!” I shout at the person who was already out of ear shot. I droop my head and Hiyori walks up to me and whispers, “Wouldn’t hurt a fly, eh? Oh yeah, she really doesn’t look like a serial killer!” I push Hiyori’s head and grumble, “Shut up, so she’s a bit overprotective.” Kate hears our conversation, “I’m very sorry you had to see that. I just don’t want anyone to touch my Oliver.” She puts away her chainsaw, I have no idea where she even got it in the first place so don’t ask me. Kate looks at Hiyori and Hiyori at Kate, I felt the lightning crackling between them. C’mon Koneko, what to do what to do! A light bulb lit up above my head and I stand between the two, “Okay okay! Stop! Why don’t we do this the right way?” they both look at me and tilt their heads. I had an idea…

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