Chapter 10

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The next day I felt confident that I was ready to go to school. I put the attack behind me and acted as if nothing ever happened. I got in the shower and handled my personal business. I went back in my room and found something to wear it was Friday and I didn't feel like dressing "pretty" so I put on my pink champion jump suit with my white forces and called it a day. The day went by smooth and a lot of people were telling me they missed me not being in school yesterday to brighten up there day being goofy with my girls. During biology I was I the counselors office trying to get onto another biology class because I couldn't look at that man Mr.Miles. I was in there the whole hour but I didn't care as ling as I was away from the rapist.

  While we were in lunch, Dorian just kept on blowing kisses at me and making me and the girls laugh by singing to me and trying to spit game. He was really serious and I was starting to think it was cute. I was really debating on giving him a chance only because I think he can be what I need to get my mind off of what happened to me. He grabbed my phone, put his number in it and told me I better call him tonight or he gone break up with me before we even get together lmao something wrong with him. When he left our table I told the girls I'm thinking about giving him a chance Egypt was all for it, clapping her hand together looking like a seal, but Honesty wasn't really saying much, was she jealous or did she feel some type of way about Dorian and Me being official?  hmmmm.

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