Alice Jenkins

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"Oh, Christ!"

Alice hadn't meant to speak aloud. The utterance, however, was a reflex reaction to realising where she was. Like flinching when you step into a bathtub of searing hot water, or screwing your eyes shut as the sunlight floods into your bedroom first thing after waking up in the morning.

You're in Tommy Haynes' bed! The admonitory voice in her head screeched as she held the covers up and blanched at what she then saw: 2 naked bodies underneath it, one her own and the other his.

You're stark-fucking-naked in Tommy Haynes' bed! And you have no idea how you got there!

Alice did not dither; with gritted teeth, she climbed gingerly out of the bed and whipped the duvet off Tommy, wrapping it around herself in a protective blanket and then scouring the room for her clothes. With a tiny, thankful smile, she noticed her black dress screwed up in the corner of the room, tiptoeing over to where it lay and then pulling it over her head, catching a glimpse of her phone and lipstick on the bedside table. Realising they must have fallen out of her bra, she made sure to tread gently back towards the bed she'd woken up in, before retrieving them too and holding them tightly in her clenched fist. Her attempt at a covert exit from the hotel room was going fabulously up until the moment that followed that where she tried, with a discreet glance over her shoulder at where a spread-eagle Tommy lay, to actually leave the room. Assured that he was still asleep, she turned her attention to her phone to text her boyfriend, (Yes, your boyfriend! Your boyfriend of several months, Louis! The voice didn't miss the opportunity to remind her at that moment), Louis, and that was when she walked straight into it, the acoustic guitar stood resting against the wall, and sent it whizzing, with an almighty clang, across the corridor. Her hand springing up to her mouth, Alice span round on the spot to see Tommy sat bolt upright in bed, his hair bedraggled around his face.

"Alice?" He mumbled sleepily, as she stared back at him in dismay. 

"What did we do last night?" She demanded, backing up against the hotel door, hands held out in front of her defensively. "What did I do? How drunk was I?" Though his response was not what she had expected; the horror on her own face was in complete contrast with the imperious smirk on his.

"Any other girl would be grateful to have me inside of-"

"I've heard enough. Please, just stop-" Alice said weakly, holding a limp hand to her head.

"You were such a lovely little slut last night, what happened?" Tommy continued, in spite of Alice's palpable disgust. "Come on, darling." He said, clearly still drunk, his eyes half shut."How do you feel about taking it from behind?" It was as if his words were escaping from his lips, slithering across the floor and climbing up her spine like some kind of slime-covered reptile. "Most girls aren't into it but then I can usually make them put up with it for me. We would've done it last night but...Usually I wouldn't object to birds being a little out of it but love, you were practically comatose. You passed out before I had time to stick it up the-"

"You are a truly abhorrent human being." Alice interrupted, the stupefaction on his face nauseating her even further. Read a fucking dictionary, she thought. "That means I'd rather spend the next millennia repeatedly stepping on lego than spend another five minutes with your naked body anywhere near mine. Google it, darling." She added, before turning round to try and pull down the door handle which was, predictably, not budging, giving a naked Tommy time to clamber out of bed and follow her to the door. She averted her eyes and held a hand up to shield herself but he slammed his hand onto the door behind her, forcing her to face him. "Take a step closer and I can and will press charges against you."

"And who's going to believe that you didn't say yes in the state you were in last night?"

"That's the whole point. I could have never given consent in the state I was in last night even if I wanted to at the time."

Trust No Bitch: Part 3Where stories live. Discover now