Gemma Akintola

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They had sat in a very similar position before, all around Gemma's laptop, not one pair of eyes diverting from the monitor for even a second. What exactly they were expecting as they fast forwarded the footage to the 21st April at 2:15PM, Mia's alleged first appointment with Dr. Jensen, nobody seemed to be quite sure. But nobody seemed to want to voice this uncertainty either. They had watched the handsome doctor pace restively around his office for the last five minutes, each length of the room he walked accompanied by an apprehensive glance at the clock, in complete silence. Lilly went to say something as the time in the corner hit 2:18PM, but she was shushed by the other two as Dr.Jensen's head jerked in the direction of the archway through to his room.

Somebody had arrived. Somebody off camera. Somebody that they should be abled to see had they not picked up...

"This is the wrong footage!"

"What?" Said Gemma, pausing the video and turning to Alice, who had just spoken.

"This footage is from inside his office. It's the right day and time but from the wrong angle. If we had to pass that CCTV camera on the way into his office, so did the Supplier. We need to get the footage from that camera instead and then we'll be able to see who it is."

"Wait a minute..." Murmured Gemma, tapping the play button. "Just wait and see...they might come in. It might even be Dec or Mia."

But no sooner than had the words left her mouth, a gloved hand poked through the archway. In it, a brown envelope, thick with what was most likely a stack of £20 notes.


Because why else would anybody actively participate in the cover-up of two murders? Gemma thought bitterly, watching Jensen nod at the person beyond the archway and then retreat back into his office. With another glance up at the camera, the doctor strode over to his desk and pulled open the bottom draw, tucking the brown envelope into a copy of the DSM-5. Following that, he picked up the notebook in which Alice had found the times he was supposed to be counselling Mia and Dec and opened it up, lounging back on his rickety old office chair and lazily scrawling in those exact times.

Glimpsing Alice's indomitable expression, Gemma knew it was already decided.

They had to go back.

Trust No Bitch: Part 3Where stories live. Discover now