Dancing on Glass

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Alex sat in a chair in front of Kara's dresser. She stared down at her lap and watched her hands as they twitched tiredly. She swallowed and stole a glance at herself in the mirror. Her brown eyes stared back at her evenly, and she looked away.

"Okay!" Kara said, bounding into the room holding the curling iron.

Alex looked up at her sister and smiled, "What are you going to do to me?"

"Nothing you won't like!" Kara said defensively and Alex laughed,

"I'm sure I'll love it." She said, smiling at her sister through the mirror. Kara beamed and waited for the iron to heat up. "So what're you going to do tonight?"

"Oh, I don't know," Kara shrugged nonchalantly, pushing her glasses up her nose and beginning to curl a strand of Alex's hair. "Probably going to watch some movies, eat some junk food, you know, the usual."

Alex smiled in response and then sat patiently as her sister did her hair. She didn't know why she was so nervous; she had no reason to be. Kara finished and put the iron down on the dresser, fluffing the hair a bit and smiling at her handiwork.

"You look beautiful, Alex." Her sister said and Alex blushed.

"Thanks, Kara."

"You should go put some hairspray on it and get some deodorant." Kara said, unplugging the curler.

"Oh, yeah, where is it?" Alex stopped in the doorway and Kara handed her the iron.

"Bathroom." She said.

"Right." Alex nodded, turning down the hall.

Kara wiped her hands on her pants and looked around patiently, waiting for her sister to show up again. Suddenly, something began to buzz on a wood surface. She jumped and looked to see Alex's phone vibrating on her dresser.

"Alex!" Kara called, "It's Maggie!"

"Pick it up!" Alex said in a panicked tone.

"But she's calling you!" Kara frowned.

"I'm not ready!" Alex said and Kara rolled her eyes,

"It's a phone, Alex, she won't be able to see you!"

"Just pick it up before it goes to voicemail!" She said and Kara complied with a tired sigh.

"Hello?" She asked gently.

"Hello?" A confused voice said.

"Mon-El?" Kara furrowed her brows and he cleared his throat.

"Oh, yeah, sorry, is, uh, is Alex there?" he asked awkwardly.

"No, she's uh, getting ready." Kara replied, scratching the back of her head. "I can, uh, take a message though."

He chuckled gently and she could've sworn her heart swelled in her chest. "Maggie just wanted me to tell her that she's running a bit late, but she'll be there soon."

"Okey dokes." Kara smiled, "I'll tell her, thanks Mon-El."

"Sure thing--uh, Kara?" He asked and she raised her brows.

"Yeah?" She said, smiling at Alex as she came back into the room, wearing her dress and putting on a necklace.

"How're you feeling?" He asked, clearing his throat, "I, uh, noticed you weren't in school today."

"Oh," she smiled, biting her lip, "I had some bad stomach pains this morning but yeah, I'm a bit better, thanks."

"I'm, uh, glad to hear it." He said, "Do you, uh, need anything? Like, is there anything I can do to help?"

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