Another November

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Kara sat at her desk, typing avidly on her laptop. She was humming to herself, her bare toes tapping against the soft carpet of her room. She was lost in her writing, as she often was. She wasn't--couldn't--think about anything but the story she was crafting in her small room, on the second floor, north corner of her house.

Suddenly, there came a knock. Her head jerked up, and she stood, quickly hopping to her door and opening it. She looked out into the hall and sighed.

"Alex, come on, I thought we were done with this kind of stuff--" she began, but the sound came again, more urgent this time.

She swiveled around and looked to see none other than Mon-El, perched outside her window on a rickety tree branch. Her eyes widened and she ran over, throwing up the sash.

"Mon-El?!" She hissed incredulously and he grinned.

"Hey, Kara."

"Kara?" Alex called from outside the door, "You okay in there?"

"Oh--oh yeah!" Kara called to her sister.

She turned back to Mon-El and raised her eyebrows pointedly. He shrugged sheepishly and she rolled her eyes. She held out one hand and he took it, smiling gratefully. He put one foot on the sill and looked down, his eyes widening.

"Uh..." Alex said, the frown evident in her voice. "Are you sure?"

Kara grimaced as she pulled Mon-El roughly through the window. "Yeap!"

Suddenly, she lost her balance, and he stifled a cry of fear. They fell to the floor with a soft thump.

"Oh, god," Mon-El groaned, "why are you so damn strong?"

"I work out!" Kara hissed.

"Kara?!" Alex called and Kara flipped them over, sitting up quickly and trying to look natural. Alex jumped into the room with a worried expression on her face. She glanced about anxiously until she saw her sister. Kara smiled and leaned her chin on her fist, her elbow resting on the mattress.

"Hey," Kara said and Alex blinked.

"Are you... okay?" She asked slowly, looking at the open window.

"Oh, uh, yeah," Kara said, touching her glasses, "I just, was trying to, uh, open the window, and I, uh, fell off my, uh, bed."

Alex raised an eyebrow and Mon-El covered his face with his palm. He moved one finger and peaked up at her, smirking as she pressed a hand to his chest so as not to fall over. Alex eyed the room suspiciously and then, nodding, turned slowly and walked out.

"Okay..." She said as she pulled the door closed.

Kara waited until she heard Alex's door close down the hall, then she turned on Mon-El. He smiled as if to say "what can you do?" and she sighed. She blew her hair out of her face as they both stood, and then made sure that half of the blonde locks were still up and the others were still down.

"Well, uh, that was close." He attempted and she laughed breathily.

"Yeah." Then, remembering she was cross with him, put her hands on her hips.

"What?" He frowned.

"You could've hurt yourself!" She chastised.

"I had to see you," he said breathlessly.

"You could've called." She crossed her arms.

"Would you have answered?" he countered and she frowned. He smiled, pointing at her, "That's what I thought."

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