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Kara watched Maggie hold open the door for Alex and she smiled to herself. She looked at her sister and saw that her cheeks were turning a bit red. She frowned as Alex fixed her hair nervously while Maggie walked around the car. Kara had assumed that since they were going to homecoming together and because they were always talking that they were pretty close friends. She'd thought that Alex worrying about whether or not Maggie was flirting with her was because she didn't want their friendship to be ruined, but just that simple anxiety-driven gesture made Kara think otherwise.

They drove off and Kara let go of the curtain, flopping down onto the couch. She picked up the remote and began to flip through the channels. She didn't want to start the films before Mon-El showed up, in case he didn't like them. She didn't want to force him into watching something he didn't want to see.

She couldn't believe she was so nervous. She was forcing herself to just sit still, otherwise, she knew she'd go mad, running around the house trying to occupy her time. She swallowed, thinking about the fact that in less than an hour, Mon-El Matthews was going to be in her house, sitting on her couch, less than five feet from her. Her mind went foggy with daydreams of things that might happen, things he might say or do.

She picked up her phone and sighed. It was only eight-fifteen. She tossed it down by her feet and stared blankly at an infomercial for some sort of bathroom cleaning foam. She stood and walked into the kitchen, pulling the popcorn out of the microwave. She opened the bag and looked at the toasty kernels wistfully. She glanced around as if to see if anyone was watching. Then, adjusting her glasses on her nose, she took a big handful and began to eat it messily.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, making her jump violently. She threw some popcorn all the way across the room. Catching her breath quickly, she ran back through the living room, dropping the bag on the coffee table. She wiped her hands on her pants, and moved to open the front entrance. She suddenly saw that she was still wearing her pajama bottoms and then she sighed angrily and rolled her eyes. In all that time trying to occupy herself, she'd forgotten to change. It was too late now! She yanked the door and put a hand on the wooden frame.

"Hey." Mon-El said, an easy smile on his lips, "I'm, uh, sorry, I know I'm early but I was, uh, getting a little bored waiting for eight-thirty to roll around."

She laughed and touched her glasses, "It's--it's fine."

"I brought twizzlers," he held them up and she laughed again.

"Why, thank you," she grinned, taking them from him as he walked in. She glanced down and saw that he was wearing flannel pajama pants. "Nice pajamas." She beamed and he let out a soft chuckle.

"Oh, yeah, I always change into them after school and then I just sort of, you know, wanted to come here so by the time I remembered I was still wearing them I was already out front." He smiled and she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"So uh," he rubbed his hands together as she closed the door, "what're we watching?"

"Well," she lead him into the living room, "we have a few options." She said, sitting on the couch.

He plopped down, facing her and taking a twizzler out of the package in her hands. "Alright." He smiled.

"So, we can watch Star Wars," she said and he nodded.

"A classic." He said.

"Mhm, or we can watch some Hitchcock films." She raised her eyebrows and he put a hand on his chin, thinking deeply.

"Hmm..." He said, "A tough choice."

"Mm, indeed." She nodded, trying not to laugh.

"How about Star Wars?" He said and she sighed gratefully.

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