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(8) Your free to go

   Emily strode up the steps to The Preserve to visit Iris Taylor, one of Courtney’s friends from here that Emily helped a few months back. 

Emily walked up to the front desk and told the lady that she had made an appointment to see Iris and the lady led her to the dayroom where Emily saw Iris sitting at the bay window.

Emily walked up behind her and tapped her shoulder and when she turned around she had a huge smile on her face.

“Emily! It’s so nice too see you again, I began to think you forgot about me.” She said with a smile. 

Emily shook her head. “Of course not, I've just been busy with swim practice. It always starts 3 weeks before school starts.” Emily explained. 

Iris shook her head. “Alright, but guess what!” Iris began. Emily smiled at how hyper she was at the moment. 

“What?” Emily asked. Iris smiled widely.

“I get to get outta her before school starts!” She yelled and everyone in the room stared at her.

Emily smiled and hugged Iris. 

“That’s great. Iris, what school are you going to go to?” Emily asked.

“Rosewood Day!” Iris yelled again.

Emily smiled. “Are you serious?” 

Iris nodded her head happily

. “That’s great Iris, I can’t wait to go to school with you this year.” Emily said. 

“I've gotten better too, I now weigh 87 lbs.” She said.

Emily clapped. “That’s amazing Iris, really and I can’t wait to introduce you too my friends too"

Iris smiled. “That’s awesome Em, I'm really glad we became friends.”

Emily smiled genuinely at Iris. 

“Me too, really I am.” Emily said.

“Thanks Em, you really believe in me and that’s what made me get better knowing that someone out there believed in me.” Iris said. 

Emily smiled. “I'm glad I helped you, I really hoped you would take it seriously and now that you have you can finally leave.”  

Iris messed with a loose thread on her pajamas. “Yeah but there is a problem.”  

Emily looked at her. “What?” Iris sighed.

“My mom said I could go to Rosewood if I had a place to stay, she said that she doesn’t want her boyfriend to hurt me so she doesn’t want me to go home until her boyfriend leaves which could be forever.” Iris said.

“Well of course you can stay with me, last time you were there my mom loved you.” Emily said. 

“Are you sure it’s alright?” She asked. Emily rolled her eyes. “Definitely.” She said. Iris smiled. “Thanks Em.” 

“No problem Iris.” Emily said then her cell beeped. Iris looked at her.

“You should probably get that, could be that girl you like.” She said. 

“No, we lost touch; it’s been forever since we last spoke.” She said while picking up her phone. 

It read Unknown. Emily’s heart sank remembering that Ali, Spencer and Aria got one of these and now it was her turn. She pressed Open. 

Emily, Iris isn’t who she says she is, she may be nice now but once she gets to your house she will show her true colors. You can never trust someone who was once in a looney bin. –A 

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