Goofing around

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Brody and I were sitting on one of his couches, each with our back against an arm rest, our feet pressed against eachother.

We were going back and forth, asking questions about eachother.

"Favorite color?" Brody asked.

"Blue, favorite animal?"

"Wolf, favorite number?"

"Three, favorite person?"

"You." When he said that I blushed.

"You're my favorite person too." I said smiling.
"Oh, that's bad, because I was just kidding." He said; my heart dropped. When he noticed I was sad he smirked.

"You are so gullible." He said laughing. I frowned at his sick idea of humor.

Then Ethan walked in and sat on both of our feet.
"Ow!" I said in a whiny voice.

"Get off." Brody said sternly, but he didn't listen, instead, he smiled and leaned back, making himself as comfortable as he could.

"You comfortable yet?" Brody asked, as though he read my mind.

"Not yet." Ethan said, standing up again, and than falling back down.

"You hear that cracking noise? Those are my bones!" I exclaimed, trying to push Ethan off of me.

He laughed before finally got up and went over to the arm chair.

Brody reached out and started massaging his feet. He rubbed them for a few seconds and then started massaging my feet for me.

I smiled at what a good boyfriend he was, none of my old friends' boyfriends would have done stuff as sweet as Brody.

"You are such a sweetheart." I said smiling, and he rolled his eyes at my word choicing.

"Do not call me that." He said sternly, his serious look making me bust out laughing.

"What? It's true." I said smirking. He huffed.
"You are unbelievable!" He exclaimed, trying to hide the smile that was forcing itself on his face.

"But you love me anyway." I said, repeating the line he had used the other day.

He chose to look to Ethan for help with what to say.

"Dude, just say you love her!" He exclaimed, going back and forth between us, looking at him like it was obvious what to say.

"I, l- love you." He stuttered. I rolled my eyes and looked over at Ethan who was now laughing hysterically.

"You kids are crazy." Mrs. Anderson said, walking in the room.

"Hi mrs. Anderson!" I said smiling.

"Please, call me Anna." She said, taking a seat in the second arm chair sipping her coffee.

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