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Language Arts Mystery | Kellen Kennedy

Gone In Woodlawn


    15 years ago, two new and inspired authors went to small town, two hours from the heart of Chicago on a sunny November weekend. They went hiking in the Woodlawn Forest, specifically Woodlawn ridge, and mysteriously disappeared in the greenery. Witnesses claim they must've wandered into the forest, where they got lost and perished. But really, that is nothing close to the truth. The two authors were captured by the owner of the forest, Ingrid Woodlawn, who the forest was named for. She was also a historic actor, and amazingly smart for her occupation. With talent and brains on her side, she quickly rose to stardom.

     The two authors were forced to co-write a book promoting Woodlawn, by Ingrid, and that the myth that people were captured there was just a hoax. The reality of it all though, was that Ingrid’s guards wrapped them with thick, knotted ropes, and hauled them to her chamber in the pines. But little did Ingrid know, despite her IQ, that the authors were gifted cryptographers. So, inside a 15 year old book is a code, just waiting for someone to solve it. But the world will need a very smart girl with physical strength, code-reading skills, and a mind that is remarkable to solve it. And until then, Maggie Lane and Leslie Howards will be trapped in Ingrid's chamber.


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