Chapter 3

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I saw a girl in the garden, she looks so beautiful, she has curly brown hair and chubby cheeks. I knew that this girl is Ciara. Mmmm such an angel😍 . She saw me and i tried to look somewhere else for her to think i didn't look at her

"Hey Mark! Come sit with me!" Did she really said that?? "Ah. O-okay!" I sit beside her, she was just looking at me and smiling, well of course i smiled back😉 "Hey mark, do you know i had a crush on you?" I blushed. Crap is this true?? "Uh-uh-uhmm n-no" she just smiled and she faced me , she was so beautiful i looked into her eyes, i can see sparks

She leaned and kiss my cheeks. My hand are shaking.. asdfghjkl💓💓

"Hey Mark! Marrkk markyy mark"


Ahhhh!! Who was that? Wait where am i?? Ohhh mannn that was only a dreamm huhuhu 😭 "Mark come down and eat you're gonna get late for school"
"Commiinngggg" I rushed to the bathroom and wear my uniform and took my bag. I quickly ate my food and went to school.

"Hey Mark!" I saw Jimin and Taehyung waving at me. "Yah! Where's Jungkook?" I asked "we don't know" mmmmm where is he? Aish he must have been drinking again. That kid
"Hey have you guys seen the nns group?" "Why? Wait do you like one of them??" Taehyung asked with a smile on his face.. "No! Pshhh why would I like them? Ahehehehe" i gave that fake smile of mine and leave them.

Phew that was embarassing.. when i was going to my locker i finally saw them and of course... HER. My heart was beating so fast, i kind of think everyone can hear my heart beat🙂 i wanted to approach her but she approached me instead. WOW.

Her hair was flying as she walk towards me everything was in slow motion and i feel like it was just the two of us. "H-hi Mark" she gave me that shy smile, she looks so cute. "Hi" crap i don't know what to say. " please don't get mad if i say this but.. uh... ermm.. i..." What is she saying?? I'm getting nervous " I like you." CRAP. SHE LIKES ME??

"Hi everyone!" Gwyneth said and wave to everyone. I had a nervous face because i haven't told them that i'm going to confess today to mark. "Uhmm guys i have something to tell you and i need your help" "yah what do you need?" Cheska asked.. i scratch my head cause i was too shy to tell them "i'm gonna confess to mark but i don't know what to do. Help Me" they all had blank faces all their jaws dropped.
"OMG REALLY?!?!" Nicole said
"I'M PROUD OF YOU" Sofia told me as she fake wiping tears in her eyes
"AHHHHHH!!" Cheska screamed
"OUR BABY IS GROWING UP" kiara,erin and gwyneth said
"Yah! I'm older than you, you know" hmph🙃 "you have tell him honestly, be confident and i know for sure he'll accept it. I mean who doesn't say no to you?" Jasmine gave an advice which is helpful that's why we call her the giving advice girl. HAHAHAHAHA. Sorry we had no choice. she always helps one of us.

As we were just walking around the school, i saw mark going to his locker. "Crap, guys he's right over there" i pointed at him and all of them were happy and excited. "Go girl! You can do it!" I hear them cheering behind me. I walk towards him, my heart was beating so fast and everything was in slow motion. "Breathing in and out* you can do this ciara.

"Please don't get mad if i say this but ... uh...ermmm...i....i.. i like you" gosh my confidence has been release. Whew but i was nervous because he might reject me. Hmph. I saw his face..his face is blank,jaw dropped and eyes widened.. "uhmm mark? Are you ok?"
"Uhmm o-oh yes i'm alright" he gave a smile, a shy smile "oh i see you don't like me." I feel hurt and walk away but a hand took my wrist and let me face him.... Mark.... his face so near to mine. I gulped i look at his eyes he looked at mine too. His lips going near to mine, i can hear my friends at the back screaming like there's no tomorrow. I couldn't move i froze because his lips were touching mine already. Crap! Am I dreaming? It was just a quick kiss he looked at me right in the eyes "I want you ciara, please be mine?" I smiled and nodded "Yes"

This is the best day of my life


Sooo guyss i hope you enjoy this chapter. I know its very cringy and all Hahahahhaa so i literally ship MARA (i don't know how to combine their names😂) i'm not good at shipping names. Yeah so thats the end of the chapter. More updates will come☺️ and yes mark and ciara kissed. Ahahaha 😂💕


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