Chapter 5

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{ A/N: haiii guysss this chapter is a collab with my friend Jiminlaydee, she'll be in this story sometimes. Gumawo💕}


Kiara told me that Erin called her saying that she saw the two. We ran as fast as we can just to see them..
and finally we reach our destination.. wew! We were just spying at them, they were so awkward. Eherm😂 Nicole keeps on blushing Ahahaha...
"Kyueo!" Ciara said
"I know right" Kiara smiled.

Then suddenly....

We were all hiding..
Kiara,Gwyneth and Erin in the janitor's room
Me and Jasmine were hiding behind the door
Cheska at the bathroom and Ciara.. what the heck! Why was she hiding like that? She's posing as a lamp👌 just being Ciara😂

While we were hiding they finally came out. And OMFG they're holdinggg eachhh otherrrr'sss handddddssss akdudbdnxkahsndkjxk😍
When they finally left we were all behind them. Then Cheska took a picture of them. "Yah! Are you a friend? Don't you dare show that to her" I gave her a warning, but then the others were taking pictures too. The society today is just a no, no 🙁

I was at the clinic, the nurse told me to wait for her since she might get dizzy afterwards. I sat on a chair waiting for her to wake up... then suddenly she spoke.
" uhmm, jungkook you can leave now." Why does she want me to leave? I mean like who doesn't want a handsome guy infront of them.. i mean like.... I'M JUNGKOOK MAN💪
"I won't leave you here alone" the truth is the nurse wanted me to wait for you but i feel like i can't leave you here. I saw her blushing and she looked at the floor, she's cute when she's shy🙃
"Nicole, are you ok now? Or are you still hurt? If you want me to punch them i'll do it, why those mean bratzz!"
"Yahhh jungkook i'm good, i'm fine" "no you're not" i looked at her

And i hold her shoulders and look into her eyes, i know she isn't ok, i'm here to protect you nicole, i'm always here for you. We head outside to give nicole some fresh air.. i think i saw ciara but i didn't mind. I realize that Nicole was holding my hands for a long time. When we were outside already, i stopped and look at her, she looked at me then to our hands, she quickly pull her hands and looked away. To be honest i wanted to hold her hands longer but i don't want it to be obvious.
We were scrolling through the park, she stopped and looked at the flowers
"Hmmm, smells good" she smiled, i can't help but smile too.. "yah! Why are you smiling like that??" Oh,sheet she saw meeee... "smiling like what? Mind your own bussiness" i gave an annoyed expression, but i felt bad saying that. Hmph

I can't help but smile widely ( A/N: i don't know kilig in english ahahaha pls no hate😂)  while taking pictures of them... i shipp theemmm soo muchhh😭. But for a moment i felt sad because i had no one to laugh with😭 Single person here! After awhile we all left

I was a little down when jungkook told me that... we scroll everywhere.
"can we stop walkiinnnggg" jungkook whined like a kid, i chuckled a little bit when he whined. "Well, ok" i smiled and we went to our houses. I went upstairs and took a quick shower. I put on my pajama short and an oversized shirt. While checking on my social media someone texted me

To: Nicole
"Hi had fun with you today! I didn't know you like nature that much! Finally i can sleep now. Thanks!"
                             - Jungkook

I smiled and text back,

To: Jungkook
"You're welcome. Atleast I won't hear you whine here ahahahahaha!"
                                   - Nicole

To: Nicole
"Yeah,yeah. Shut up and go to sleep idiot, btw i'll be picking you up tom, just to make sure you won't get dizzy ;)"

I did what he told me to. I put my phone on my table, turn off the lights and went to sleep.

~Next Morning~

I woke up from a peaceful,relaxing sleep. I yawned and stood up. It was still 5:10 so early. I went to my bathroom and took a shower, pu ton my clothes and took my bag. I was at my kitchen since i smelled.... Noodles! I looovveee noodlesss.. yum!

I ate my food and waited for jungkook.. but then i realize he was outside our house all along. "Why didn't he text me he was here already? I don't want him to wait for me longer" i open the door and he looked at me
"Yah! What took you so long?
"Wae? You're not my dad" i folded my arms and went to him.

We went to school early. We just went to the park instead since no one was still at school. We bought ice cream.. i looked at him and he laughed.. hmmm why is he laughing? "What's so funny?"
"Yo-you have i-ice cre-cream on you-your no-nose ahahahahaha!" He can't stop laughing he even can't breath. "Is that so?" I smack my ice cream on his face and laughed too. AHAHAHAHA this is what you call revenge people!
I run as fast as i can so he won't catch me.. but i got a little weak so i panted but then someone hold my waist it was... jungkook. He was holding my waist. "Caught you" he smirked while saying in a low sexy voice. I couldn't even breath because he was so close to me. Then i forgot we had school, i checked my watch but it was still 7:00. But we head to school anyways.

It was english time. Everyone was so noisy until our teacher came. "Good morning class!" We responded with "Good morning Ma'am Lawrence" and took our seats.
"Class i want to introduce your new student today. She's from Dwight HighSchool. Please treat her kindly.
She stepped inside and we all looked at her.  She has black wavy hair, brownish darkish eyes and flawless skin. Overall she's beautiful. She looks kind too.

New classmate from Dwight can't wait to know her! ☺️

A/N hope youu guysss likee this chapterrr.. sorry if i take too long to update because i ran out of ideas.. sorry if you find this chapter boring. Just tell me when to improve. Anyways thanks for reading. Byee!😊❤


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