Chapter 14

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I couldn't stop smiling because of what happened yesterday😜 gosh!

My mom cooked bacon, one of my faves, yey! "Nicole, sooo? Did you find your destiny?" I stopped chewing my food and looked at my mom. Err? Oh yeah! I told my mom that i really wanna find the perfect guy for me, someone who can take care of me, who loves me even if i get angry easily.. and i found one..

"Eomma..." she looked at me.... " I found him" I smiled.... and yep my mom is doing it again, she's dancing like crazy and i kennat "MAAA!! PLS DON'T TELL ANYONE. PRETTY PLEASE?" I did my puppy eyes and she nodded phew!

"Soooo... who is it?" Nicole just breath in and out.. wow i'm just talking to myself.
"Ju-ju---jungkook" my mom was pretty happy and my sister is just ermm?? What's the them big eyes? She looks really shocked. "Unni? U ok?" She looked at me with just a shocked expression

"Nicole, you just hit the jackpot!" Ok why? "Wae?" She looked at me as if i'm dumb
"He's literally the hottest guy at school and he plays basketball. And..and you're actually a couple??... aweee i'm jealous" she pouted.. ahahaha cute.

"Yah! Don't you dare take him away from me. Hmph" i yelled cutely. I did an aegyo afterwards.


I woke up because my mom kept yelling at me to wake up, aish
"Yah! Jungkook wake up! You have school"
"Yah eomma! I have no school today" she looked at me shocked
"Oh..oh..hehehe sorry, go back to sleep then" she walk awkwardly
Anyways.... since I woke up what should i do??? Oh wait... i should text Nicole.

*Good morning Sweetheart💓* wew i hope she texts back, i decided to go to facebook and just do what people do... scroll and scroll yep.

Until i got a message from a unknown person.. I looked at the message that the person sent to me... I got angry while reading it. Aishhh why must he ruined a happy day?!?

[ It is a perfect day to say goodbye to your love one Jungkook.. Ahahaha. Nicole will be mine and i know it. I'll make her mine and you can't stop me. If you dare tell Nicole about this...Well something bad might happen to your little princess ]

BTCH! What am I gonna do then? I won't let anything bad happen to my queen. Sht i'll just act cool around her.. i don't want her to get scared. "Phone ringing* "Yah! Who's there?" Oh fck i must have gone crazy... i jumped when my phone vibrated.. wow

Sht what should i do?!?! Answer the phone idiot! Aissshhh i should really go to the hospital

[ Goodmorning my prince ]

Shux why does she always make me blush...💓

"Hi sweetheart! What are you doing?"

[ Oh nothing really, just walking my dog... hey! After walking can we meet? Ermm at the cafe maybe? ]

"Su-sure ehehe"

[ Yah! You good? ]


[ Oh Ok... bye.. see you then ]

No Love you?! Wew

"Ok.. I love you!"

I can literally hear her screaming right now Ahahaha cute

[ Ok love you too ]

She always brighten up my day☺️

But who the heck is that person? If i see you, you'll regret everything. Don't you dare hurt my queen



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