Chapter 2: My Angel Eyes

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Edgar's POV:

I just came out of that graveyard when I heardsd wbertw  a sound.

Krak krak krsk krask...

I think something is running towards me.

Let me rephrase that, it's a "someone".

After I watched closely, that 'material' is definitely human. I squinted my eyes so I can see properly.


Ouch, looks like it fell right through the thick bushes.

I was curious, so I walk closely to that 'thing'.

"Hello?" I asked.

Something jumped out of that bush crying,"OMG I jumped out of that bush alivee! Hooray!!"

She twirled around and around the bushes.

I think she must hit her head too hard.

"Whooo waa waa , I'm alive, YAY!!!" Ahe yelled.

I just rolled my eyes in slow motion.

Then she looks at me and say, " Ay, you!"

I looked around and pointed myself.

"Me??" I asked. For real??

"Yes, you!" She pouted.

I just shrugged. "What?"

Then she started saying things that I don't think normal.

"Mom?" She asked.

"Uh, excuse me?" What did she actually means?, I thought to myself.

"Are you mom?" She asked, again.

I think she must've blurred her eyes a litlle.

Yeah right, me?

"No." I said spontaneously.

Then she syarted tk cry so loud I think the whole world can hear her.

I think she's mental..

"MOMMY!!!!!!" She shouted.
"I WANT MY MOMMY!!!!"She wailed.

"Um, do you have her phone number? I can maybe call her for you." I'm a bit confused right now. Has she lost her mother?

She stopped wailing and looks at me with this very perplexed look on her face.

"Wait, are you an angel?" She suddenly asked.

"No." I answered.

"Are you my mommy's fairy god mother?" She asked, again.

"Definitely no."I answered.

"What are you then?" She leaned her head to one side.

"I am Edgar." I fold my arms in front of my chest.

"Oh, so you are an Edgar." She responded.

Then she asked this really ridiculous question. "Is an Edgar some kind of Cupid or something?"

Duh, Im so frustrated at her I could scream.


Clara's POV:

Eventhough my eyes are blurry, I can see this magic creature standing in front of me. He looks shining with pretty angel wings on his back.

He is an Edgar. Wooooo!!!
I examine him closely from top to bottom.

"Is an Edgar some kind if Cupid or something?" I asked. I was really curious. I never heard of an Edgar before.

He seems mad. I mean his face is like really mad. What? What did I do wrong?

He then just walk and turn away from me.

Oh. No. You. Dont.

I ran towards him and jump on his shoulders.

"Fly, Edgar, fly!" I screamed.

"What the, hey! Get off of my back you pest!!" He shouted.

"No! You have to get me to mom! Now!" I cried desperately. That Edgar thing is the only hope for me to finish my misery.

"Get down! Or else.." He started to threat me with his words.

"Fine! Do whatever you want. I am not jumping down without seeing my Mother."I struggled.

"You're crazy."

"Whatevs." I stick with my words. I am not letting him go. I jumped and gripped on his neck tightly. This one's really strong. After struggling around for 5 mins he practically threw me in the air.

Yes! In the air!

"Yay! I fly!" I screamed happily. I was literally flying until I bumped into a tree and fall on one of the branches, bleeding.

And then, I fainted.

Edgar's POV:

That woman is insane.
She's crazy.
She's a lunatic.

She grasped my shoulders too tight for a woman. And with every strength I got, I threw her small body in the air, after trying to get a hold of her many times.

I succefully threw her body in the air and fall to the ground panting.

I breathed heavily.

I tried to stand up. My legs are like shaking right now. I looked around but see no sight of her anywhere.

I tried to look closer and see her stuck on a tree branch.

Oh shit.

O god, did I just kill her?

I ran towards her and screamed.

"Hey lady!" She still did'nt move a muscle.
"Oi!!" Uh oh, no movements occured.

I screamed and screamed until my throat is dry.
I even try to climb the tree, but it was too high.

"Darn it!" I cursed to myself.

I looked at my watch.
Shit, I'm late.

I looked to that woman and back at my watch.

Guess I just have to leave her there. I turn away and start heading towards my car.

Wait, this does'nt feel right.

I turn back to look at the woman then back at my car and back to the woman.

In the end, my humanity wins. Luckily, I still have some of my conscience left.

I ran towards the tree and climb the branches.

'Ugh, I'm so going to regret this." I talk to myself.

I lift the woman into my arms and jump down to the ground.

Goodness, it was over. My tracksuit is all ruined and I look kinda ridiculous with some tree leaves and flowers sticking out from my hair.

I watch that woman closely. She is kinda pretty actually. With long hair and thick lips.

Wait, what am I thinking? I should get going.

I slowly put her on the backseat and cover her with blankets.I close the the door and open the door to the driving seat.

Next stop, the hospital.

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