Chapter 14

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Rosalie's life fell into a steady rhythm. Classes, training, friends, not always in that order. It was mid July before she realized how fast time had flown. The only reason she knew it was July at all was when Deidra called for a ranker meeting after classes one day.

The living room was quiet, waiting for the first ranker to speak; they were all sprawled out in various positions around the living room. She let her gaze travel slowly across the curious faces looking at her. Deidra always looked like she knew your darkest secret, even if you didn't know it yourself. "We...are going on vacation." Everyone let out a sigh of relief. Elwood gasped and jumped up.

"Is this cause the summer holidays are next week?" he asked excitedly.

Ro looked at the varying stages of excitement around her. "Uh, we have holidays?" Corvin chuckled and nodded. "How come nobody told me?"

"You haven't noticed the student body becoming slightly more antsy than normal?" Alicia said. "And practically everyone has been talking about it. You're just always busy with a sword in your hand, your nose in a book, or your face smooshed against Corvin's face to notice."

The third ranker blushed angrily. "I don't always have a sword in my hand. Sometimes it's a quarterstaff or bow." They all laughed at her statement.

Deidra cleared her throat. "Back on topic, please." The chatter stopped. "I've already booked rooms and gained clearance for everything. The only thing you all need to do is pack."

"You haven't told us where we're going yet," Ro pointed out.

"We're going to Pont." Vida squealed with joy. Thad looked at the fourth, incredulous at the noise she had just made.

"I believe Vida is sick or an imposter," he said flatly.

Vida threw a pillow at him. "I'm not sick, you dork," she said. "I'm excited! That's a noise of excitement!"

Thad gave her a skeptical look. "You're not able to be excited. Only various stages of anger and violence," he replied.

She pulled out a knife to throw at him next, but it was taken out of her hand by Deidra. "No killing each other yet," the first ranker said.

"Yet?" Ro's comment was ignored.

"Like I was saying, we'll be going to Pont," Deidra continued. "We'll be leaving the day before break officially starts, as there aren't going to be classes that day. Pack for the whole two weeks, and bring your weapons; we'll be doing some group training, as Corvin and I feel we haven't had enough practice working as a team."

While everyone else groaned at the mention of training, Ro pumped her fist. "Yes! Finally! I've been waiting for us to train together for a while," she said, more excited about training than vacation.

"We're at a school to train, yet you're excited for more training when we should be enjoying the beaches of Pont," Alicia deadpanned. Sighing, she shook her head. "Only you, Ro, I swear..."


"Pont is known for it's tropical weather and white sand beaches," Byron piped up. "It's comparable to the Mediterranean of Earth."

"Oh geez," Ro said, now feeling much more excited. "I always wanted to tour Europe when I was on Earth, so I guess this is kinda like that. How do you know about the Mediterranean, anyway?"

Byron shrugged. "I like to read." As if to make a point, he turned back to the book he had been reading.

Deidra let them chatter again, getting them excited for the trip. Standing, she made one more announcement before leaving. "Did I mention that I've reserved my family's private beach for the whole two weeks? There will be a house for us all to stay in that's right on the water, but still within walking distance to the city." She spoke as if it were something as trivial as what they were having for dinner. "You had better start packing since we're leaving in two days."

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