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He feasts on the body he has captured. Muffled screams run through this ears. The victims mouth was covered up with a cloth to prevent anyone from hearing their screams.

His victim squirms underneath his grasp. Both of the victim's legs were ripped off with both of their arms, they slowly die of blood loss as his killer glares at them.

Their killer stops feasting on the victim's arm, placing it down, his blood red eyes pierced at the rooftops above them. A shadow looms. It jumps down in front of him with a sly smirk played on their lips. Hands on their hips as his Kagune, a Bikaku, swings around like a cat's tail. They don a black cat mask that covers the upper half of their face. The Cat-Ghoul chuckles darkly at him and his victim. "Isn't it quite early, why are you here in Tokyo... Crow...?" The Ghoul emphasizes his stage name, a growl escapes from his lips. ".. Same as you Koukatsu*. What brings you here in MY territory?" An angered frown shows behind his black beak-like mask that covers his mouth. 'Koukatsu' laughs once again looking at him. "I thought I'd pass by, checking if you were here.. And I was right! He owes me 10 bucks." His grins wide, showing off his sharp fangs. 'Crow' raises a brow at him in confusion. "Who? That owl head, Fukurou*?" Koukatsu smiles,"Yep!" Popping the 'P', he smiles at Crow, as he glares back at him. "Well then, why don't you move out of my territory before I cannibalize you." His voice was stern and expression stoic. Koukatsu only smiles. "Aw, what a shame! See you!" He waves at Crow goodbye. Using his 'claws' ,that were metal and are placed on his fingers, to climb up the walls as his Bikaku repels them off and Koukatsu jumps from wall to wall. Once he reaches the roof, he cups his hands to his mouth and shouts, "Isn't your meal getting away?" Crow,in panic, using his Kagune, an Ukaku, to release his crystal like darts at his victim. He definitely doesn't want anyone to survive his wrath. A piercing scream echoes through the alleyways. Crow looks back at his victim, the victim is pierced by the crystals from head to toe, well not really since their limbs were eaten off. The victim is pinned to the ground with the crystals. Fear evident in their eyes. "You thought you could run, didn't you?" A growls escapes from his lips. Shadows hovering over his eyes. A dark aura surrounds him, his eyes glaring deadly at them. "You thought you could live to tell the tale?" He hold up his Ukaku to the victim, "Wrong." He pierces them in the left eye just to hear them scream, his sadistic grin placing back on his blood-tinted teeth. "Now suffer." He just pierces different parts of their body except their right eye for them to see what's going on. If they close their eye, he'll jab his Ukaku harder in their body.

A blood curdling scream rings in his ears, his grin growing wider.


The sound of squeaking sneakers echoes around the huge gym, the ginger walks in with a huge smile on his face as usual. "Oi, Hinata!" A boy younger than him calls, holding a volleyball ready for practice. "Let's practice that spike of yours, dumbass! Stop slacking around!" He commands throwing the ball lightly into the air. "Osu!" Hinata answers, running to the bench dropping his bag off. Running towards his teammate, Kageyama, who immediately sets the ball up high and on instinct, Hinata jumps, creating a minus tempo. As if the time stops, Hinata levitates in the air, his hand ready in to ram in with a spike. Hinata slams his hand down onto the spiraling ball and in an instant, it was already on the wooden floor. "Alright!!" Both shouts in joy on the successful move, Hinata turns to Kageyama again with a close eyed smile "Once more!" What Hinata doesn't know, out of excitement his eyes transformed into a Ghoul's. Kageyama noticed the veins around his eyes, but dismissed it. Hinata kept giving close eyed smiles which doesn't show his Ghoul eyes.

Time Skip

Practice ends and everyone is changing out of their gym clothes. Hinata takes out his phone to check if he had any missed calls from his mother and when he opened his eyes, shock filled him up like adrenaline. He immediately, shakes off the feeling and his eyes turn back to normal, the veins around his eyes retracting. During the shock, he stumbles back a bit, surprising Tanaka behind him "You okay, Hinata?" The bald teen asks, Hinata shooks his head in response. Tsukishima snorts "Probably tired from all that training he and King had. Keep on doing that end you'll end up collapsing and get eaten by a Ghoul." Kageyama growls a low 'Shut Up!' in the background as Sugawara smiles weakly at Tsukishima, "Tsukishima, don't say that.." He defends Hinata, but looks at him way weakly as well "But you really shouldn't overwork yourself Hinata. It's not good for your health." "I agree. We won't be able to get to the nationals if we didn't have you. Be careful." The captain, Sawamura walks next to his husba -- uh, to his teammate. "I-It's fine!" Hinata laughs his little accident off to avoid any suspicions. He immediately thinks of a lie to dismiss the thought of the recent event "Oh, uh, We should hurry! Ukai-sensei might be closing soon!" Hinata fakes his fear, and actually fooling everyone. "Ah! You're right! Let's go!" Nishinoya responds, rushing to pack up his belongings. Asahi tries to calm him down by saying that Ukai would wait for them.


Everyone has finished packing and are now walking down the road to Ukai. Everyone was chatting lively until Hinata received a call.

"Hello?" Hinata opens his phone, receiving the call. "Oh, you.. Why did you call me?" A moment of silence passed and then Hinata spoke again, "I see. I think I can make it even with the little time I have." He sighs into the phone, "Seven o'clock you say?" He looks up into the sky. "I'll be there." He closes his phone, ending the call. He turns to the team with an apologetic smile, "Sorry guys, I need to go.. Do something.. Bye!" He runs ahead with his hand waving back at them. Everyone believed him and gave him a nod, except Sugawara (His Motherly Instincts came in). He eyed Hinata in suspicion as his ball of orange runs ahead into the darkness of the streets. He elbows Kageyama into his side and mumbles, "Follow Hinata, and make sure that he doesn't notice you.." Kageyama was about to protest, but Sugawara gave him a serious look. Kageyama nods and runs toward Hinata's direction and into the darkness he goes.

Sawamura looks at Sugawara in confusion, "Suga, why did you --" "Hinata's been keeping something from us." Sawamura stares in a shocked condition. "What are you saying?" Nishinoya pipes in with Tanaka, "Why would our kouhai hide something from us? We're his senpais!" Sugawara looks at where Kageyama and Hinata went, "He's hiding something and I know it.."
Koukatsu* means sly in Japanese
Fukurou* bet you can guess it. It obviously means owl in Japanese

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