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Kageyama silently follows Hinata as the little ball of sunshine made twists and turns around the streets. He had a hard time keeping up since Hinata went to school from the mountains on a bike every day, there's no surprise that Hinata is a speedy little chibi-chan. 'Damnit. Why did Suga-san make me do this?' Kageyama complains to himself. He sees Hinata slowly walk into an alleyway. He raises his brow in confusion, 'Doesn't that lead into a dead end?' He hears a scream, 'Hinata?!' He runs into the alley on instinct, a figure jumps into the air to the rooftops, what stood before Kageyama, was a body, no arms, no legs, no head, but it did have the Karasuno's uniform on. He stares in shock. It can't be right? It couldn't be Hinata's body... Right? He stood petrified unable to move. 'What was that..?' The figure that jump into the air, it left the body in the alley. 'I-It was a ghoul wasn't it?' A ghoul. Now he is REALLY scared. 'A ghoul killed Hinata..' He was ready to run, he turns his back, but a shadow looms over. The moonlight creating the shadow much more intimidating. "What are you doing here?" A voice comes out of the figure. His mouth was covered with a mask with a long black beak, covering the lower half of his face. Donning a black cape, neckline surrounded by feathers. Ginger hair the matches with his glowing orange-flamed wings. His eyes piercing deadly at Kageyama. The setter couldn't speak, scared he just stood. Not knowing what to do, he squeaked out, "W-Who are y-you..." He gulps in fear, his palms sweating bullets. "More importantly you need to leave. This is my territory." The Ghoul steps closer to Kageyama, who steps back to remain the distance between them. "Stay Back! W-What... What did you do to Hinata?!" The Ghoul raises his brow, "That doesn't matter. You need to leave. Now." He says sternly, stepping closer.

Kageyama dashed for it, passing the Ghoul, not even looking back. Tears fill his eyes. He keeps running and running, scared for his life. He reaches a familiar street, slowing down, adrenaline slowly fading from his veins. He bends down, hands on his knees, panting out of breath. Sweat falls down from his forehead to the pavement.

It can't be happening right? Hinata can't die.. No.. it's not real! Kageyama clutches his head. "It can't be real... No.." He curses. All of the questions in his mind are making his head spin, he blacks out.


Kageyama wakes up in a bed, "It's morning..." He sighs in relief. "Thank god it was just a dream.." He sighs. 'It couldn't be real, right?' He hears the door creek open, he looks to see who it was. "Kageyama?" A familiar voice calls out to him, his eyes widen in shock. "Hinata...?" "Kageyama!!" That cheery voice goes toward him. Hinata goes up to Kageyama's bed and shouts, "You're okay!!" Kageyama cringes at Hinata's loudness, "Shut up dumbass, you're being too loud." Hinata ignores his statement and grinned, "At least you're okay, Kageyama! We were so worried! I happened to walk by your street and I saw you! You were holding your head like this," He demonstrates by clutching his head, showing Kageyama, "Then you suddenly fell to the ground and passed out!!" Kageyama looks at Hinata eyes wide, 'It was real... but then... didn't Hinata...' More questions needing answers. It's making his head spin. He clutches his head in pain. "Kageyama!!"


'Shoot! What am I gonna do?! What's happening to Kageyama?! Was it something I said?!' Hinata looks at him worriedly, "K-Kageyama...? You okay..?" He ignores Hinata and keeps holding his head in pain, he's shaking. Hinata just stands there frozen in shock. 'I didn't know he was following me. I should've known! How am I going to get out of this?!'


Hinata met the 2nd year in the alley. He doesn't notice Kageyama following him. Being so hungry, he attacked without thinking. The 2nd year screamed, Hinata flinched a bit, forgetting that he might attract Doves. He immediately puts on his mask and his cape, took out his Kagune and went up to the roofs. He heard footsteps, so he looks and sees someone familiar, 'Kageyama!' His eyes wide. He jumps down behind the shaking setter. Kageyama was about to turn around but Hinata beat him to it. Kageyama stepping back as he steps forward.

Kageyama dashed away from him, Hinata follows. Kageyama collapses and he brings Kageyama to his home, puts him in bed and went back again to his house the next morning.

Flashback End


"I-I should be going, Kageyama.. Uh.. Bye!!" Hinata hurriedly says, going straight to the door and slamming it shut, going straight to school. Kageyama relaxes and lies back down again, the pain gone. He sighs and tries to go back to sleep.


The third years in the gym look at Hinata confused, "Kageyama's absent? What happened?" Sawamura asks, Sugawara following after. "Is he sick?" Surely that nothing happened when he sent Kageyama to follow Hinata. "I don't know... He was holding his like it's hurting and when I try to ask him what's wrong... He didn't answer.." He looks away from Sugawara, worry in his eyes. Hinata doesn't answer, "Hinata, did something happen?" Sawamura asks again, Hinata answers, "I... don't... know.. Something is wrong with him.. I'm worried.." Sawamura's gaze soften, "Don't worry, Hinata. Kageyama would be better in no time." "Yeah, Shouyou! Don't be afraid! We're with you!!" Nishinoya beams. "Yeah! Us senpais are here for you as well!" Tanaka gestures to the 2nd years, the 3rd years and himself. "They're right Hinata. Don't worry." Asahi comforts, placing his hand on Hinata's shaking figure. "Tch.." Tsukishima ignores them, while Yamaguchi tries to translate his "language." "What Tsukki says is that you shouldn't be afraid Hinata. Who else will he tease instead of you, Tanaka-san, and Noya-senpai?" Yamaguchi laughs, Tsukishima just glares at him, pink lightly tints his cheeks.

Hinata looks up at them and smiles brightly, "Right!!" 'Pfft, as if.' Hinata shrugs internally. 'Kageyama might lose it.'

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