Blind Love | Yoongi, You

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|Yoongi, You|

GENRE: | Fluff | Angst | Friendship | Other |

TYPE: | Scenario | Poem | Shorties | Texts | Shots |

WORDS: 911


My heart beats a thousand times.
Can't you see this heart of mine?
All my love for you can't be seen,
Because you are so numb and blind.

Why are you so blind with these things?
All I wanted is for you to understand my feelings.
My feelings deep inside my heart,
I want to show them to you but it's so damn hard.

Should I show my feelings that my heart is keeping deep inside?
I'm tired of screaming inside
Calling for your eyes' attention with my reckless actions
— Maybe I should stop calling your attention.

Everything I do is hopeless.
I know you couldn't care care less.
Isn't my love for enough?
Why are you making his relationship so tough?

I know it's a little to much
But can you make this catch?
"Please stop being so blind,"
That's what my broken heart wants to find.

Your hurtful words really sting.
My tears fell down as I threw the ring.
— I don't want to see it again...
Since pain is the only thing I will gain.

You heard a car noise, followed by a slam as it closed. Your tears continued to fall down your cheeks like a waterfall.

You had enough of this relationship. It just hurts everytime you two meet and he just ignores you.

You looked back from your shared bed with Yoongi and saw the suitcase you packed — You know there's no turning back this time.

When Yoongi sleeps on the shared bed, he always slept with his back facing you, making you hide your sniffs and sobs under your pillow. Being a deep sleeper he is, you know he's sound asleep. By your surprise, in the morning, when going to work, he is an hour early to leave the house.

You always attempted to do the things that can make him notice you. Everybody would've thought that you are attention-seeking, but that is a different story.

You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard a sound of a breaking glass. A curse slipped out of your lips and wiped your tears. "When is he going to stop breaking things?"

You took your suitcase filled with your belongings and head downstairs to the kitchen.

"(Full Name)?" His voice was rough. You felt a pang on your chest like the glass he broke was sharded to your heart. The last time he called you by the cheesy nicknames he made for fun was three months ago. He stopped calling you baby, babe, love — He called you those names, it's too many to count.

"What is it? —" The suitcase you were holding fell from your hand from shock. Yoongi is picking up the glass if shards with a pained expression on his face. "Shit, you're bleeding! Why did you pick it up with your hands, you idiot!"

You quickly came to him and grabbed his hand to stop Yoongi from picking up the broken glass. Yoongi shoved your hand away.

"Why do you care, anyways?"

Your lips parted to answer, but no words came out. It's useless, hopeless. The relationship is ruined, why make it worse?

"You called for me and this is what you will do to me, then?"

"I was just checking if you are at home."

You scoffed when you heard the word home, "Home?" You mocked. You can't handle the shit you are carrying inside your chest no more and started to speak in a monotonous tone.

"This isn't home anymore—"

"What did you just say?"

"Why would this be home when the people who lives in it are both hopeless with their relationship? Look Yoongi, this isn't working out. I think we should break this up," You stood up and composed yourself until you felt a hand on your leg.


"I don't have time for this," You rolled your eyes and took your suitcase.

"I can explain!"

"What's there to explain when you had all of the time you had before when you noticed this relationship breaking? I'm not blind, Yoongi, for not noticing our hurtful situation here."

You remembered the hurtful words he said. It became a habit from the amount of times he said it to you everytime you two are together.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Go away."

"Shut the fuck up and leave."

"Can't you see I am doing something here?"

"Mind your own business."

Your thoughts were soon gone when you saw Yoongi shaking his head, his palms placed on both of his eyes. You couldn't help but ask if he's alright, "Y-Yah.."

Yoongi suddenly chuckled, his voice cracked as he did.

"I visited the hospital today and I received bad news."

The room was quiet and just looked into his eyes, it was watery.

You didn't reply and that was his cue to just continue what he is going to say. "I'm going to be blind — or even worse — die."

It all made sense to you when you always saw him shaking his head when you ate dinner with him. They were the times you two had no choice but to eat together.

The sound of pills every night. Yoongi comes home late at night and you hear these noises, thinking it's just to relieve his migraine.

Lastly, even though Yoongi owns a car, he doesn't use it anymore and just looks for a taxi — or having Jimin's help to ride him to some place.

"Y-You're kidding, right..?"

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