1.6-First Date(Part 5)

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Yugyeom's POV

I turned to face him, his dazzling eyes gazing up at the night sky. The many stars reflecting against his brown orbs as the lustreless light highlighted his pale cheeks. My eyes wandered down to those fleshy lips, I wanted them. So I got them.

I hoisted myself up, and then rolled on top of him, planting my lips onto his. My hand grabbed onto his thigh, squeezing it as he moaned. Our lips were in a vehement bliss. I felt his arms slither onto my back and he pulled me closer, our bodies created friction. Diving into that peachy neck, I made him moan random slurs.

"Ri-right there," I nodded as I nibbled at the crook of his neck, his hands fumbled all over me. Our black locks were entangled and were covering the Thai beauty. He was so warm. I broke away, but when I attempted to look him in the eyes he looked away. Covering his mouth with his hand, he stared down.

"Look at me Bambam," I softly instructed as I removed his clammy hand from his mouth.

He quickly shook his head, red-faced laced with shyness. Eyes-wide as his hair delicately danced to the wind. I shuffled closer to him and gently planted my lips onto his.

And then, it slipped.

"I love you," I froze. He froze.

"Oh," His mouth formed an 'O'. I began to panic, my hands felt clammy and my forehead was probably dotted with droplets of sweat.

Thank the fucking tulips for cliche moments.

Rrrring. Rrrring. Rrrring.

The vibration coming from my pocket almost made me sigh in relief. My hand eagerly reached for it without bothering to read the display screen. I couldn't look at Bambam, so I instead focused on my not so interesting thumb. I put the phone to my ear.

"Yugyeom," A gravelly voice called out my name.

"Hyung," I cleared my throat. "Anything wrong?" A sudden feeling on anxiety travelled through my spine. He didn't make a joke, so something was up.

"Someone broke the lock," I looked at Bambam, wide eyed. "Nothings missing, everything looks untouched but can you both come back home? I don't feel safe alone" I nodded, biting my lip hard.

"We'll be there now,"

"Sorry for cutting your date short," I shook my head, as if he was there.

"It's fine honestly, we'll be there in five," I cut the call and stood up. I turned back and held out my hand for Bambam to take. He grasped it and I pulled him up.

"What's wrong?" His arm grazed my shoulder.

"Someone broke the lock to your house, we've got to go,"

Bambam looked at me, baffled. Then his hands messily combed his locks as he murmured to himself. "Shit,"

He sprinted back into the shop, I followed him. Passing Brian without a word. "Yugyeom- yo! What's wrong?!" Brian called out to me.

"I'll tell you some other time," I called out. "Thank you!"


Jackson's POV

Legs spread apart, I sat down on the couch. Head in hands, my mind was swirling with so many thoughts. Why would someone break in and not take anything? Why isn't everything overturned?

The door suddenly creaked, and startled, I jumped in my seat. I breathed in a sigh of relief when I saw Yugyeom and Bambam. The terrible mix of a tuxedo and casual clothes was the least of my problems.

Yugyeom looked back and examined the lock. The snapped metal on the floor shone brightly amongst the dim lit objects.

"What exactly happened Hyung?" Bambam neared closer to me, looking concerned for once in his comedic life.

"I was carrying my bags, saw the line of light coming from the door and ran back in. I haven't touched anything,"

"Let's call the police," Bambam faced Yugyeom, but the latter shook his head.

"There's no evidence besides the lock, there was no crime. Nothings been taken from here, they might as well think we staged it,"

"But we didn't," Bambam reasoned. I rolled my eyes, this is not the time for this.

"Can you, like, bicker later?" I sarcastically remarked. "We'll call the police, that's the best thing to do,"

I picked up my phone from the coffee table, dialled in the numbers I wouldn't have ever imagined doing so. We all stared at the phone, my heart was expeditiously beating as the loud rings echoed in the living room. In the corner of my eye, I could see Bambam's hand attach onto Yugyeom's.

"Hello, this is the Seoul Police station, I am Miss Jeon Somi, how may I help you?"

"Hello, someone has broke the lock to our door, but everything is the same. Our address is 69 Riustreet, Aghasehill,"

"We will dispatch our officers, please wait patiently," The line went dead.

"Now let's wait," Yugyeom bit the inside of his cheek.


Yugyeom's POV

It couldn't be Yongguk. I thought back to the letter mailed to me from his therapist. He said he's fine.

He's fine.


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