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Bambam's POV

It's been two and a half hours. Surprisingly, I haven't been kicked out yet. I guess it's because the officers have yet to speak to Yugyeom. However, Gay Ass has taken a long time to bring ramen and it's pissing me off. I decided to call him.

The phone kept on ringing and I stared at the hungry Yugyeom, which in turn made my stomach rumble. I tried again, and again but to no avail- he simply didn't pick up.

I stood up, unlatching from the warmth of the younger. I pecked his lips quickly, a sad smile began to form. "I'll be back soon Yugyeom- with food," He nodded, and snuggled into the cheap blanket.

"See you, be safe," He smiled.

"You too," I returned the smile.

I exited the room,greeting the officers with a nod. "I'm going to Jackson's place to grab some food,"

"Just for yourself?"

"Well yeah, What can Yugyeom even eat- he is very weak,"

"Just small pieces of food- nothing too chocolatey or calorie infested. Basically- any healthy,"

"Got it," Officer Dean then trailed into the room, with the two other officers. They waved, and I waved back.

It was still raining by the time I got out, but it was not as bad. I felt cold, and shivered slightly as I stuck my arm out and waited for a ride. Despite all, I felt giddy that my love was reciprocated. I love him, and he loves me.

I quickly snapped out of my trance as the taxi blasted its' horn loudly. My stomach grumbled as if it read my mind.


Yugyeom's POV

"Hello Officers," I greeted the three officers as I sat up a bit. 

"Hi Yugyeom," Officer Crush returned the greeting. "I see Bambam went to bring you food," I nodded.

"Well-" Officer Zico looked at his watch. "-While we have the time we should ask you what really happened,"

I told Bambam the truth earlier on and he seemed really understanding. But, I didn't mention the Yongguk paranoia though, but I can tell he could sense that Yongguk was on my mind.

"I punched the mirror and some shards stabbed me. Brian found me,"

"Why did you punch the mirror?"

I sighed. "Paranoia, I was just thinking of Bambam and the challenges and yeah,"

Officer Dean sat on the corner of the cheap bed. "Would you like to talk about it with a therapist?" I shook my head quickly.

"Who's Brian- you mentioned him earlier,"

I smiled at the thought of my best friend. "He's the owner of 69 Skaters and my best friend" I gave them the address of the shop.

"We will visit him shortly to ask him questions relating to this incident," I nodded, Brian will have my back no matter what. Officer Zico put him notepad away.

"Alright...well you've hurt yourself pretty badly," Officer Dean sighed as he looked me over.

"What exactly have I done?"

"Well reports say you've broken your arm, the temporary cast will be changed tomorrow," I nodded as I looked at my arm. "Your hand is bleeding heavily, so it too was bandaged,"

"And you've got five stitches where the shards entered your body, two on both your legs and three around your chest. One was so deep, if it went any deeper it would've cut your small intestine- so be lucky,"

I thanked the officers. "Oh,and no internal bleeding anymore, the nurses here are miracle workers," Officer Crush smiled at me and specifically at a nurse stationed outside our window. Her back was turned. I think she is an important person to him.

"I'll be sure to thank them," I am grateful. The officers nodded, and left the room.

I sighed to myself as the door shut. My eyes wondered around the room, stopping at the small table next to my bed. A phone laid there- it was Bambam's.

I chuckled. I thought back to the day Jackson gave me his number. Jackson... He hates me.


Bambam's POV

I payed the taxi driver and turned around to a dark house, all the lights were off. Strange.

I shook it off as I got my keys out and unlocked the many locks on the door. The door creaked as it opened further. The atmosphere felt heavy.

I quietly walked into the dead silent house. Every footstep seemed to echo loudly.

I switched the light on as I entered the living room. Blood splattered around the walls, chairs with bodies tied against them, and a bloody shard welcomed me to the hellish scene. My eyes widened. "Wha-?"

Jackson was tied up, blood gushing out of him. He looked at me- his eyeballs rolled around in his sockets. He was dying. "Ru-run," He choked out.

I glanced at Brian, he looked at me back signalling I should run. The two dark clothed figures turned around, slowly.


Jackson's blood was smeared over him. Yongguk and the other person both had guns in their palms.

He smiled menacingly.

"Zelo. Get him," I began to run, I didn't know what to think. I began to cry. I dashed out of the living room, slamming into every piece of furniture.

But, I didn't hear anyone behind me. Still running, I quickly turned around.

That's when I heard the gun.



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