Chapter 12

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'ID?', said the man holding up the line to the club.

Lydia showed the man her id and she walked inside. She decided to go out so she could take her mind off Stiles. There was music blaring in every direction and there were tons of attractive guys groping girls who look 5 years under then them. Lydia walked towards the bar and asked for a drink.

'Can I please have a Strawberry Cruiser', she asked the man.

'Sure'. The man gave her, her drink and went back to work.

Lydia looked around. She had never been so bored in her life. She had no idea what she was thinking when she decided to go out clubbing alone.

'Whose goes clubbing alone?', She thought to herself.

All of a sudden she jumped. Someone had tapped her shoulder. She turned around to see a young boy with blonde hair and blue eyes looking at her. He was pretty attractive.

'Hi, I'm Isaac. Can I buy you a drink?', he asked her politely.

'Thanks but I already bought one', Lydia told him, bringing up her drink.

'Well, I will buy you a second', he said while taking a seat next to her.
'What's your name?'

'Lydia', she told him.

'Nice name. Lydia is a very original name. I haven't met anyone with that name before'.

'Thanks and yeah, it's pretty original', she said with a smile on her face.

'How old are you?'

'18. I'm a senior in high school', she told him.

'Cool. I'm 19. I finished high school last year'

'That's cool'

'Do you wanna dance?', he asked her while taking out his hand for her to grab it.

'Umm sure. But I warn you, I'm not a very good dancer', she said. She took his hand and they walked towards the dance floor together.

They started dancing and talking about themselves and what their goals in life were.

'I want to be a paediatric nurse. I love kids and I love helping people so becoming a nurse would be perfect for me', she told him.

'Nice. I love kids as well, that's why I wanna be a primary school teacher. I really want to teach kids that are in the first and second grade though', he told her.

'Wow. That's pretty cool', she said looking impressed.


They kept dancing and talking for another half hour before going back to the bar to get another drink.

'Can I have your number? I would really like to do this again sometime', he asked her with confidence.

'Yeah. Okay'. She grabbed his phone and typed her number into it. She then gave him her phone and he typed his number in.

'Your a pretty cool chick. I've never met anyone like you before', he told her.

'Thanks. Your pretty cool yourself'.

Before she knew it, Isaac was leaning in towards her face. She didn't know how to react.

'Should I kiss him? Oh my god! What do I do?', she kept saying to herself.

Just before their lips collided, she moved her head.

'Sorry, too soon?', he asked her looking a bit embarrassed and upset.

'No. It's not that. I want to kiss you. Trust me, but umm', she stopped. She didn't know what to say.

He grabbed her hand.
'What is it? You can tell me. I won't judge', he told her.

'Well umm. I have never kissed anyone before and I don't really know how to do it so I don't want to make a complete fool of myself', she told him glad that she finally got it off her chest. Stiles didn't even know that she had never kissed anyone before, and his her bestfriend.

'Oh my god! Really? Your absolutely beautiful though and you have an amazing personality. Have you ever had a boyfriend?', he asked her sounding surprised.

'I've only ever had 1 but it was a short term thing and he was very shy so we never held hands and we never kissed', she told me.

'Okay. Can I kiss you? If you don't want me too I understand'.

'Yes. You can kiss me', she told him.

They leaned in and once their lips collided, Lydia felt a rush of bliss feel up inside her. She had never experience this before and it was truely amazing. All thoughts of Stiles escaped her head. She kissed him harder not caring that she had no idea what she was doing.

They nonstop kissed for over 10 minutes. All of a sudden, someone broke them apart. All she saw was Isaac on the floor with blood pissing out of his lip.

She looked up to see who attacked and to her surprise it was Stiles.


This chapter was pretty long. I hope you guys are liking it so far.

Vote and comment please :)

Chapter 13 will be posted soon :)

Stiles & Lydia | Bestfriend? Boyfriend? {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now