Chapter 1

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"Meghan, wake up we gotta!!" my friend screamed in my ear.

" Just 5 more minutes, can't you see I'm tired?" I mumbled.

"Yes, but this is an emergency go look outside.. There are people eating other people outside, it's almost like they're, they're are... I don't know just get up."

"So you're meaning to tell me that there are zombies outside?" I said still with my face in the pillow.

Right after I said that I heard the screaming outside. I jumped up and ran to my window and opened the curtain. On my front lawn was a man on the ground being torn apart and eaten by another man on top of him. I quickly shut the curtain, and looked back at my friend watching me realise what was going on even though it was hard to.

Before all this started happening I was a huge gamer. All about zombies and video games with them. That was my life and I knew exactly what to do.

I ran to the kitchen, Marina right behind me. I opened the junk drawer and went all the way to the back. Finding 4 knives, that I had collected over the years, gave 2 to Marina and told her to look for anything else sharp enough to break human skin. I ran back to my room and got under my bed grabbing my safe. I unlocked it and pulled out 2 handguns, thinking about where I stored the bullets.

I remembered, behind the safe in a cardboard box held 200 rounds and 1 more hand gun. I grabbed the box and went to my closet and got out 2 duffle bags, for Marina and I both. I put them on the bed and put 1 of the guns in the bag, and tucked another in the back of my pants. I went back to the kitchen and found Marina searching every drawer and cupboard. On the counter there was a pile of cans and food goods, and a small pile of knifes. "Grab it all and bring it in my room we've got to start packing right now!" I exclaimed.

"Where are we gonna go? And when we get there what are we gonna do?"

Marina, always has been the one to ask questions. Anything she does or anything we do, there is always a question. I can tell you she is a very inquisitive person.

"I don't know yet, but maybe there is something on the news about this. Go turn on the tv, and we'll figure this out."

As soon as the words left my mouth I heard pounding in my door. I went to the peep hole and looked out. 2 of the undead family were there ready for me to open up. "Turn down the tv when you turn it on, I think they're attracted to sound, and there are 2 out there listening." I said as the tv turned on blaring the emergency alert system siren.

As Marina turned down the tv I walked over and sat close and listened intently.


As that slowly moved across the bottom of the screen I knew that we were screwed if we didn't get out of here. We will be overrun, and we will die, and we will resurrect from the dead and kill again, and again, and again, and again.

"Start packing your stuff right now, our time to get out if here it running out!" I screamed at just above a whisper.

"I don't know if I can do this. How are we going to survive? What are we goi.."

"Stop!! Stop right now no more questions if you want to survive you don't question anything, we don't have time to question anything!"

After I said that Marina was in the bedroom packing her stuff in the duffle bag I left out. I walked in and started packing my stuff too. I grabbed a change of shorts, tank top and a sweatshirt. Then I grabbed a first aid kit that I had hidden in the back of my closet. It was dusted over, never been used. I looked over at Marina she was packing about the same thing I was but she had all the food and I had all the weapons. Last thing I needed was my family album. I climbed under my bed and pulled out a big box and grabbed the album on the top and put it in my bag.

"Is this everything we'd need?" Marina asked.

I went over and look in her bag, food to last about a month, a change of clothes, a rope, knife, and a couple water bottles.

"Perfect, now we need to come up with a plan to get to my car. Before we open the curtains we need to turn off all the lights. I think what maybe catches our attention, will catch their's and they attack."


Marina walked over and turned off the lights. I opened my curtain and saw that man laying in my yard with his guts flung out all over the place. In the street I saw my car surrounded by what looked like people from a distance. When I looked closer I saw their faces in the street light and knew what they were. I looked at my car and looked at any possible routes. Then I thought of something, wait it out and maybe they'll clear out of the neighbourhood. I shut the curtain and walked over to Marina curled up into a ball beside my bed, crying.

"Hey, I think we should wait it out here tonight, maybe we could just say here and make the house safer. What do you think sounds good?" I said trying to be comforting.

"They both sound fine. I just don't want to die like the guy in our yard did. Ya know?" Trying to clear up her tears.

"I understand, but we need to make a decision and I think that maybe waiting it out a couple days here wouldn't hurt. I know you know about my gaming obsession, and I know a little bit about what's going on if it's about .. maybe you want to call them zombies."

"I agree let's just go to bed for tonight and see what it's like in the morning."

"Okay sounds good, but just in case one of those things gets in, I think we should sleep in the closet. So grab your thing and get in there . I say that because there are no windows and one of us can sleep in front if the door and no one can get in without walking us up."

"True, you can be by the door though!" Marina smiles for the first time tonight.

It wasn't a problem to sleep in the closet mine was a huge walk in with tons of space to be occupied. She walked indie at and got as comfortable as possible I looked around one last time and walked I the closet, shut the door and very slowly drifted off.

( "A/N" This is my 1st Chapter obviously... I just wanted to ask for comment's, vote's, your opinions on this story. I will make the chapters longer as I go along. This is my first story on WattPad and I hope you all like it! Please give feedback! Thanks!! )

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