tbh most people are leaving this phandom for other fandoms which is quite upsetting, their thinking we got worst when we didn't or they found a new emo or other fandom, tbh I like it better when my irl friends aren't in wthe same fandom as me because if they ever leave it hurts I know me and my friend both liked the same fandom but we both grew apart found new ones and now talk about them but that also goes along with how we grew up so if your leaving a fandom ANY fandom i'm not the person to know, I still hold onto my fandoms like Panic! P!ATD helped me make friends irl and online I think this one was the one that made the most impact and I will never let go of this music even how far I grow, definitely Percy Jackson I read the books and follow fans of it and have all Rick's book, Phandom one of the best fandoms because everyone loves everything and you can bound also the fact that two hilarious guys make videos for us is even better, Tøp one I will never also let go because like them and panic the men behind the voice are also two hilarious guys, and lf course Anime I watched when I was around 6 with my sisters and still watch ot to this day, I feel like I never wanna let go of these even if I don't like them anymore but they still helped me grow out of my shell the Phandom made me get up off of my feet and on the first day of school I made alot of friends and had a good time and thats what is so great if friends are calling you weird or other things that's not great friends my friends stick up with my fandoms even if I do get annoying and they laugh at the things I say and I laugh at what they have to say I know I found my Dan to my Phil because she will always be there and we will always respect eachother. This was meant to be two words but now it could be a story opps.