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I realized my birthday is soon...or should I say my sisters birthday....usually people are happy about birthdays but i'm the one to hate em, It's not because the presents it's because I have to share it with my she seems nice but really not the best....she always takes over everything and the only proper birthday I had was when I was born if that even counts...I wish I could have. a seprate birthday instead of having it with my bratty sister and she takes control once again..yay....I always get left out on my birthday and sometimes I can never do what a birthday person gets to do the one day I thought someone would care ends up being a flop the only thing I ever have proper about a birthday is with my friends, but even if I ask them to come over only my sister gets her friends and I can never pick the party theme I feel like my day of birth was cursed maybe one day before I die I forget these horrible birthday parties and actually enjoy a date of birth, by myself, with no family, alone and maybe my friends, i'm sorry if this sounds selfish most people don't get these things and I feel bad, I don't care if I don't get presents all I want is love even if it only is coming from me atleast it is something...

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