Five East Lake: Emma

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                          Dedicated to Ironheart15

Emma rushed through the hectic human traffic that always blocked the halls during lunch break, grinning ear to ear. Her ocean blue eyes scanned the hallway for the familiar face of her best friend.

After being stuck in the mob for what seemed like years, Emma finally broke free and walked purposefully towards the front entrance's wide double doors, knowing that Ella would on the steps; Emma felt the cool breeze when she was only a few feet away from the metal doors.

She stepped out from the building into the frigid air, relinquishing her protection from the wind. Emma glanced around and saw Ella at the top of the steps all the way to her left, and she rushed over.

"Ella!" Emma said excitedly, plopping down next to her friend and looking her over. Ella looked up at her and smiled a small smile. Emma knew what she had been thinking about, and a bit of her elation became sympathy.

Ella seemed to read her expression and shook her head lightly. Then, changing the mood, she looked at Emma straight on. "Spill." Ella demanded. The two girls were like twins; they always knew when something was up with each other.

Barely containing her excitement, the head cheerleader recounted the events of last night leading up to this morning. Had it really only been such a short amount of time?

She told Ella all about the gorgeous James and his kindness to her, a stranger.

"He could have been an ax murderer! Of course he would have insisted you get into his car, Emma!" Ella rolled her hazel eyes in mock irritation-- though Emma could see that beneath the laughing exterior, her friend was genuinely worried.

"But he didn't. He was the perfect gentleman, and even when I was scatter brained enough to leave my bag in his car, he still came bag bright and early to return it and," Emma paused smugly, knowing she was about to crush Ella's ax murderer theory, "he did not kidnap me, stuff me in the back of his trunk, blind or gag me, and he most certainly did not chop of my head with an ax when he gave me a ride this morning. So I'm leaning more toward friendly Samaritan than psycho."

Ella glowered. "He could be waiting for you to trust him and then, when the time is right-- bam!"

Doubling over with laughter, Emma struggled to breathe normally again. "Why are you so fixed on him being a killer?" She smiled, wiping away a few tears at her friend's antics.

"I'm not! I'm just saying you never know," Ella smirked. Before Emma could make a smart ass retort, a thought stopped her in her tracks. "Ella!" She cried, filled with anticipation... and a bit of apprehension.

Her friend looked over to her in question. "I cannot believe that I forgot! So, this morning, James offered to take me for coffee after school. He'll be picking me up." Ella faked a swoon, mocking, but Emma could see that she truly was happy for her.

"Bring your pepper spray."

Groaning, Emma swatted at her friend but replied dutifully, "Yes, Mom." Ella scrunched up her face and continued. "Hide some knives in your socks, carry an ultra-bright flash light in your bag, keep--"

"Ella! Quit it, you know I won't need that," Emma held up a finger as the girl began to open her mouth again. "However, if it makes you happy, I will consent to a flashlight and pepper spray. No knives in socks. What are we in, a spy movie?" Emma rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Now I don't want to hear another word about it, okay?" Ella nodded obediently.

"But one more thing," she started. "Do you know how to hook your finger into an attacker's eyeball to pop it out?"

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