Eight East Lake: Emma

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"Well?" Emma asked impatiently. Her parents were rarely home, and almost never at the same time. The last time they showed up with each was... Honestly, Emma couldn't even remember. Usually they just stuck to video calls, or nothing at all.

"Honey..." Her father, Dr. Guy Stone, began but was interrupted by Emma's mother. "Where have you been? Your brother got home an hour ago!" She snapped, her words quick. Just then, her cell phone e rang. She glared at it and turned it off.

"We have to make this quick, my clients need me," she sighed, obviously wishing she were anywhere else. Mrs. Paige Stone was a highly sought after consultant, and she always harped on how busy she was. Emma hated it.

"Ha! 'Clients'. That's funny." Her father sneered, trying to get under Paige's skin. It worked. Soon, they were at each other's throats, tossing insults back and forth like a football.

Emma felt like a limp noodle, wobbling and brainless and cooked through. She had too much going on to listen to them argue for hours, going around in circles wasting everyone's time.

"Stop!" She yelled, loud enough to be heard over her parent's dispute. "Just stop," she whispered as they fell silent, looking at her. Emma slid into the chair next to her brother. Liam grasped her hand tightly as the Stones sat down, professionally tucking in shirts and skirts.

Finally, Emma thought wryly, the table seats four. The two adults looked at each other, suddenly unsure. "Well, kids, you know that your mother and I are never around because of our busy, busy jobs," Dr. Stone started, talking to Emma and Liam with a gentle tone, like they really were children like he'd said.

Emma had a bad feeling about where this was going. Her stomach twisted up into knots and she clenched Liam's hand harder, her other hand holding fast to the edge of seat, as if she was on a roller coaster and could keep herself protected as long as she grasped something solid.

"And you know we both love you very much--" Emma resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Love and money were not the same thing. Providing and caring for are different. "--And we've tried everything this but we have decided that this is the only option. The best option."

He took a deep breath. "Your mom and I, we just don't love each other anymore. The spark has sputtered and died. The candle has been blown out. The light switch has been turn--"

"Oh, shut up Guy. They get it. You don't have to go on long poetic tirades. You're a doctor, for Pete's sake. You're so full of yourself."

Dr. Stone's chest puffed up as he prepared to get even, but a pronounced ahem from Liam stopped him. Paige looked on smugly and Emma shot her a glare. Not that her mother saw it, of course. She was back to typing at the speed of sound on her iPhone, her fake nails clack-clacking on the screen.

"Cut to the chase, Dad," Liam choked out. But he didn't need to. Emma and Liam both knew what was coming next.

"Well, son, the truth is..." He paused, clearing his throat, and Paige took the opportunity to say what everyone knew. "We're getting a divorce! That's right," she said in a high-pitched cackle. "Well no longer be together.

How was it possible to dislike the woman who gave birth to you this much? Emma felt the violent urge to smack her mother and watch her stupid phone fly out of her perfectly manicured hands. They were total opposites.

Emma's anger reached the boiling point as she saw her mother gaze around with glee, waiting for a reaction. She likes to provoke people, Emma thought, trying to calm herself down. She wants you to flip out. She wants a show.

So don't give her one. Emma listened blankly as her father went on about custody agreements and the house and who would get what. Paige would stay with Emma and Liam and Dr. Stone in his apartment by his work while they were in court, fighting for property.

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