Chapter 19

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I fell asleep in Martin's arms on the way back to the flat, how could I have not? I only awoke when he set me down on something soft. I opened my eyes, blinking, trying to recognize my surroundings. The first thing I saw was the huge window. It was storming outside, crazy, almost hurricane weather, but for now it was just a bad thunderstorm.

I was in my bedroom. I looked around. Wait, no, I'm in Martin's bedroom. Great. I thought he was mad at me. Martin emerged from his closet a minute later with something in his hands. "Here," he said, handing them to me. I took them from him. Clothes. I looked up at him blankly.

"Put them on, Chloe," he said, "Just-do it. Okay?" he added when he saw I was about to protest. I did as he was told, pulling on the shirt and sweatpants, both of which were too big. I didn't care. They were warm, and they smelled like Martin. I stood to leave and go to my bedroom, but he took my arm.

I turned to look at him. "I'm not letting you out of my sight," he said softly, pulling me to him and staring down into my eyes. I let myself stare back. This is a mistake, that voice in my head whispered. I leaned up toward him and pressed my lips to his, needing him to kiss me back.

He didn't deny me, kissing me as I wanted him to, gently, lovingly, erasing the maniac's kiss from my lips forever. I finally broke away from him, hating myself for it, wishing I never had to stop. "Come on, you're sleeping with me, Chloe."

My eyes widened and I stepped back. "Crap. I'm sorry. I didn't...mean it like that. I'd never force you to do that, you know that right? I just meant, I don't want you to be alone right now, Chloe." I blushed and waited for him to get comfortable on his side of the bed before carefully climbing in.

He gave me a funny look as I curled up as far away from him as I could. I didn't really trust any guy right now, which was understandable. "Chloe, you haven't said a word since... you know. Are you okay?" "I-I'm okay, I just don't, I don't know, Martin, I wish, why did it happen to me? I don't understand, Martin."

I started sobbing and he moved over to be closer to me, pulling me to his bare chest. "I don't understand either, Chloe. You didn't deserve that, okay? Do you hear me? You. Didn't. Deserve that. Shhh, it's okay, it's okay, I promise it'll be okay." I fell asleep in his arms.

Martin's POV:

Chloe fell asleep not soon after she'd let out all of her tears. I almost felt like crying too. It was horrible to see her like this. I lay awake for a while just stroking her hair before I fell asleep with her still in my arms.

I woke up suddenly, hearing someone scream. Something squirmed in my arms, and my eyes shot open, meeting only darkness. I felt someone in my arms moving, thrashing, like she was being strangled. Chloe. I let go of her quickly, before she had a chance to hit me with the way she was moving around.

She was talking, too, screaming occasionally. "No, no, get away, don't hurt me! Stop, leave him alone! No, no! Martin!" I sat there in shock for a minute, not sure what to do. Finally I started moving. I grabbed her arms and pinned them to the bed, and she turned her head away from me.

"Martin! No, Martin!" I paled. Was she having a nightmare about me? About me doing... that... to her? Crap, crap, crap! I leaned in and whispered in her ear. "Chloe, wake up, it's a dream, I'm not hurting you, I promise. Please wake up Chloe."

She finally opened her eyes, which were wide with fright. Her eyes finally adjusted and she saw me. Oh, great. Here's where she goes ballistic and screams and runs away cause I had my way with her in her dream. News flash, I'm not that kind of guy.

To my shock, she wrapped her arms around my bare torso and clung to me like a child to their mother. "Martin, you're okay, thank goodness! Oh my gosh I thought..." she trailed off and I looked down at her to see her face was stained with tears. "Um, do you wanna talk about it or...something? Like I don't know if that would help."

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