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Okay! I made a letter and I hope it's serious enough and I hope I can do this!! JUDGE THIS LETTER!!

Mom and Tyler,

This is my coming out letter. I've spent the past week trying to figure out what I was going to tell or do to come out and the I narrowed it down to this and a cake. I ditched the cake idea sadly.

I've been debating this fact for over 22 months or 1 year and 10 months. I've done the research over the past month or so and the facts have been added up. The conclusion?

I'm transgender.

This means I'm a male in a female's body. My sex is female but my gender is male. Now, let's read the official definition.




denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex.

That is the official definition. I am what is known as FtM, Female to Male. If you accept me and support me, keep reading. But if you don't, yell and scream at me, kick me out. I've factored out every possible thing that you could do and I've accepted anything that you throw my way.

Take a minute and and let this sink in, this is a huge change. Continue reading to know all of the facts you'll have to know if you're accepting my gender change and such. Here's a website to help you understand this extreme change in your life.

Now, come to my room, drag me out, and sit me down at the table so we can talk about this new way of life. Here are some tips for when you talk to me!

-Call me Daniel please!

-Use male pronouns

-Don't yell or scream or cry, otherwise I'll think I screwed up and then I'll go back to my room and stay there for 2 days.

-Be calm please, I've waited almost two years for this.

That's all the tips I have for you. Thank you for doing this.

-Daniel Alexander Niemczura.


Now you know why I don't wear all the sparkly fairy stuff you bought me.


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