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It was the first official day of camp and Jungkook couldn't believe his ears when he heard the loud morning horns blasting through the camp at seven a.m.. It was far too early to even think about getting up, especially during summer break. But this wasn't even a summer break anymore. This was prison.

Maybe the young male was exaggerating. He was only sixteen, soon to be seventeen in a few months. His summer breaks normally consisted of him reading one of his many books until the early hours of the morning, sometimes not falling asleep until the sun had started to peak over the clouds. He would sleep into mid-afternoon and then repeat.

Which is why he was here, already back asleep, his loud snores causing his three cabin mates to snicker.

"Hey, kid, if you're not up in twenty seconds there'll be a bucket of cold water above your head. And I don't bluff so get your lazy ass up." Jin said loudly, laughing as he watched the younger sit up quickly with wide eyes.

Jimin and Seokjin let out loud laughs, their other cabin mate, Jinyoung chucking lightly while putting on his clothes.

"You guys suck."

They all quickly got dressed and made their way to the cafeteria for breakfast, sitting in the same seating arrangement as the night, Jimin and Jungkook, Seokjin with his group of friend, and Jinyoung on the other side of the room with a few other guys Jungkook didn't really care to know.

Time had dragged on and pretty soon it was nine o'clock. They were instructed to meet at the center of the camp, which was a small dirt clearing in the center of all the cabins. There weren't as many people there as Jungkook had presumably thought, only about sixty total.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning."

Jungkook looked up slowly, eyes lidded halfway from not enough sleep and a slightly hunched over back. He recognized the one who spoke to him as one of the guys who had sat with Jin the night before. His was smiling widely, a bit too widely at this time of morning in Jungkook's opinion.

"Leave the kid alone Hoseok." The mint haired one from the night before sighed, walking over the the group. "I'm Yoongi, Hoseok's cabin counsellor."

"Jungkook. And this is Jimin." The raven haired mumbled, grabbing Jimin by the arm and pulling him into view. The latter' cheeks flushed bright red as he bowed to Yoongi respectfully.

"It's nice to formally meet you. I'm sorry about what I said last night. You're my hyung so I should have been more respectful." Jimin spoke quickly, trying his best not to keep eye contact with the older.

Yoongi smiled down at he smaller boy, who wasn't that much shorter than Yoongi honestly, tapping his chin lightly with his index finger.

"Don't sweat it kid. I wasn't offended." Yoongi smirked while Jimin only blushed even more, attempting to hide behind Jungkook.

"And I'm Hoseok! The pride and life of this camp for the past three years, this being the fourth!" The cheeky one almost screamed, his high pitched voice causing Jungkook to internally cringe.

"Ah, where's the rest of my family?" Seokjin asked, walking up out of nowhere with a large sun hat placed atop of his head, the draw string tightened all the way to his chin. "Joonie!"

After a few moments another boy ran up quickly, his eyes wide and mouth open from his breathing being most likely labored from running. His tan skin contrasted with his blonde hair nicely and Jungkook thought it was nice.

Camp Stayaway ;; jjk + kthWhere stories live. Discover now