I stand in the cold night air. My hood clinging to my head. The mask on my face barely letting me see. I travel in the grass next to the road. My legs hurt and I really wanted water. I couldn't stop. I could see my town in the distance. Everytime a car came past I'd duck down in the grass. Headlight shoot past my head and I stiffen. If I were caught I'd be sent somewhere. Then I'd go home. Maybe put under house arrest with the acception of school. I can not do that. As soon as the cars pass I get up and continue. The town gets closer and closer until I'm on the edge of it. I take a step forward and fall to the ground. A cop car drives past me slowly. I stay put. Head down and taking quite breaths. The car soon passes but I'm more alert now. That was to close. I start running next to the street. I turn left and go aways away from the road. The town's lights blocked out any stars. Despite being in the center of town their were corn field for me to hide in. I jump from one to the next until they stop. My house was three blocks Infront of me. With almost nothing to hide in. I look around before running. Stopping every now and then to see if anyone was near by. Finally I reached my house. I stood in the street looking at it. All the lights were off. It seemed like everyone was sleeping. I looked around and wondered how I was going to get in. Then an idea hit me. If it was Saturday then my brother wouldn't be home. I could sneak into the house by his window and go to my room. The only problem was I had to find a way on the roof. I walk around the back and go into the garage. I look around for something, anything, to help me. Then I find it. A ladder. I picked it up and silently carried it out of the garage. Positing it on the roof. I take one step up. Then another. Until finally I reached the window. It was unlocked and I could see in. My brother was gone. Just as I thought. I find the bottom and push up. The ladder below me moved, making me panic. Finally the window gave way and went up. I lift my leg over then the next. Falling on my brothers bed. I look around the dark room. It felt so weird to be here. Especially because I was sneaking in only to sneak out. I open his door quietly and walk out. Making my footsteps fall on the spots where the floor didn't creak. I open the door to my room and look around. The place is trashed. All my stuff piled out of boxes an on the floor. My mother was probably looking for a hint of where I went. I didn't even leave a note to say why I left. Quickly I grab blankets and clothes. Throwing them in the duffle bag I got from my brothers room. A freeze at a noise from downstairs. A light flicked on. Shit, I thought, mom woke up. I jump up and pull the bag over my shoulders. The stairs started to creak when I opened the door. Panicking I run to my brothers room. Swinging my legs put the window, I climb down the ladder. I look up when I reach the ground. I forgot to shut the window. My mother steps into the room. She goes to the window and looks out.
"Who's here?" She yelled. I hid behind the house, just out of view. My mom called out again. Her voice sounded as though she had been crying. I close my eyes tight and think about everything she's done after I told her about me. That was enough. I'm done feeling sorry for her. I open my eyes back up and start walking away. The bag over my shoulders weighted me down. It took me awhile to get to the corner fields. I drop the bag and sit down. I really needed to take a break from walking. My legs were killing me. I look at my bag and frown. With my mom waking up I wasn't able to get any first aid or food. I sigh and look around. My eyes stopped on a Dollar General. I always wanted to run from the cops. Considering weather or not I get caught no one would care. I stand up and walk over. Fixing my mask before walking in. I suck past a clerk and towards one of the aisles. Grabbing as much food and stuff as I can before running. The second I passed the clerk they yelled. I raced out the door and towards the street. Sirens soon followed me. I glance back to see a cop car coming towards me at full speed. I smiled in excitement and terror. Turning back I run faster. Turning towards the grass to get away from the road. The police car stopped and the cop got out.
"Stop!" He yelled, standing at the edge of the road. I laughed to myself. Like I would ever stop. I keep running. Slowly I slowed down. My lungs screamed for me to stop. I look back but lost sight of the road. I stop running and take deep breaths. The sirens and flashing lights had disappeared. I look around making sure it's safe before sitting down. I look up the dark sky. It must be around eleven something. I stand up and grab the bag. I needed to get back before one. I slowly start to walk towards the road. The cop was gone and it was quite. I stay a little ways away and begin to walk back .
With Friends Like These
RandomWell I have an imagination and the best group of friends I could have ever asked for. What happens when I put them together? Just find out. To all my friends, LOVE YOU ALL. THANKS FOR BEING THERE FOR ME