Prison Time

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Keith held Carly's hand as he drove to the county jail which was about twenty minutes away. The music was on, but he kept it low as they talked. Then "Roar" by Katy Perry came on and Carly squealed.

"This is my song!" She said, and turned up the volume so loud Keith just knew the next car could hear them. But, he laughed as she sang to it, well yelled more like but she still sounded good. He couldnt help but swerve a little after thinking about how pure beautiful she was. He turned the last right and saw the jail gate looming ahead. Carly stopped singing, turned the music down and look at Keith. His face had paled and he was like a robot driving. "Keith?" He glanced at her and looked back to the road or the gates, Carly couldn't tell. "You're ready. It will be okay. I'm right beside you, okay?" She assured him using the most soothing voice she could. She was feeling slightly nervous too, but she put on a brave front for Keith so he could also have strength. He slightly smiled, squeezing her hand before letting go to turn into the long driveway. They had to press a button and tell them what their business was for being there then the gate opened so they could drive through. Keith didn't hold her hand again until they got out of the car because he didnt want to hurt her. He squeezed the steering wheel tightly until his hands had hurt. Carly placed her other hand on his forearm as they walked together to the front desk.

"May I help you?" The man said. He had on a uniform, but no hat showing off his bald head. He was skinny and had a Hitler mustache but it was white and gray from age.

"We are here to see my father, Mike Ciznek, please."

"Family or family friends only and only two at a time. Sit in there with the other visitors until we get the prisoners in their visitation room please."

"Thank you." Keith spoke. Carly silently smiled at the guy and then followed Keith to two empty seats. Their hands remained together as they sat there in the silence. Keith was basically shaking from nerves and stared at the floor like it was the last thing he wanted to see. Carly squeezed his hand before letting go and resting her hand on his bouncing leg. She gave him a reassuring look and a supportive smile. He tried to smile back, but it looked more like a grimace. He leaned over to her and whispered, "I dont know why I am so nervous. It's my dad." He explained. He looked slightly ashamed. Carly nodded, understanding.

"It's a new situation. I would be nervous too. Just... TRY to relax. Whatever you have to do. Because being this nervous can turn into being really agitated. And you dont want to be escorted out of a prison."

"Okay." Keith simply replied, but he was truly grateful for her advice. He took a deep breathe and let it out slowly. He really did seem to relax so she returned her hand into his and leaned against him from the side. After a few minutes, the guy from the front desk came in and asked all of the visitors to follow him quietly and in a neat line. Carly in front of Keith and he kept his hands on her hips or shoulders.  Officer Rylis, Carly finally saw his name tag, stopped them near a door and said the family members will go in one by one and find the one they are visiting. As Keith and Carly's time got closer, Keith motioned for them to switch places so he could walk in first. She nodded and smiled at him, and this time he returned it with a small, but still real smile. After Keith went in, Officer Rylis waited about a minute before letting Carly in. Keith was sitting facing the door, so he discreetly motioned for her to come sit beside him. Carly walked silently to the table and sat beside Keith. The seat had just enough room for the both of them. Mike looked slightly surprised at her presence but still pleased he had visitors.

"Dad, you remember Carly of course. Well... she is now my girlfriend. For about a month now." Keith smiled. Mike smiled at them and nodded.

"I am happy for you. My son deserves a great girl like you, Carly. Keith, you have a one in a million girl right there. Don't be stupid." Mike said, he cleared his throat and Carly saw he was trying to not cry. "Don't be like me, son." He said quietly. Carly looked at Keith with wide eyes and saw he was already softly crying, tears rolling down his face. "Keith, I'm sorry. If I knew how to make it up to you, I would. I should be home, working and spending these years with your mom and you. I feel so guilty, and I should. I killed my own son... being stupid. Trying to get a few extra dollars.

"Dad, it was a drunk driver. He ran into you."

"It doesn't matter. I shouldn't have tooken Bradley with me. I should've dropped him off and then went if I had to go. I... I am sorry. One day, I hope and pray you can forgive me. I understand if it is not any time soon, just one day..." Mike said. By now, the two men were crying harder, but still quietly so they wouldnt disrupt the other families. Carly too had tears slowly coming down, which she wiped away quickly. "Thank you for coming to see me. It means the world to me, son."

"It means a lot that you apologized, and I promise. One day I will forgive you. I will say hey to mom and visit Bradley's grave you and I will visit again."

"I thank Carly too for coming. It means a lot." Mike said, addressing Carly. Carly offered him a supportive smile.

"Your welcome, and if Keith says it is okay, I will come again with him one day." She said. Mike smiled at that.

"That would be lovely. Yall are truly a beautiful couple. Keith, when you get home, go into my room. Look into my top, left drawer of my dresser and under my shirts. There is a small box there. Don't show Carly until you think you are ready. You will see what I mean. Again, thank you both for seeing me." A loud bell rang then and a officer stood behind Mike. He offered one last wave and sad smile before walking out, not looking back. Keith's eyes were dried now but he sat still. Carly gently touched stroked his cheek with her fingertips and he jerked a little. She smiled at that which made him smirk.

"Are you okay, babe?" Carly asked.

"Yeah. I'm okay. Promise. That just meant a lot. What he said." He told her. He stood up, pulling her with him with his arm around her shoulders. They walked out to the car where he opened the door for her. They drove back home holding hands again with only the music filling the silence. Carly knew he needed time to think so she just remained quiet and squeezed his hand every now and then telling him she is still here if he needs to talk. He never talked though until they got to her house. "Home sweet home." He said. She smirked at him and leaned over to kiss him. He met her halfway, a slight smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He pressed his lips to hers with want and need, and she kissed him with equal pleasure. "Thank you for coming with me. I'll call you later." He said.

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