Welcome Home?

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Keith and Carly cleaned up their last brunch alone before their mothers came home. The snow outside had mostly melted, and they complained how they missed their snowmen. "So, I wonder when they will be back... they didn't really give us any information."

"Yeah... They have much explaining to do." Carly said, crossing her arms. Keith chuckled.

"You're so cute when you have attitude." He complimented.

"Don't try to flatter me. You kissed me with morning breathe today. You're not off the hook. But, thank you." She smiled. Keith crossed the kitchen, trapping her against the corner counter. He kissed her forehead, gripping her hips with his hands firmly. He looked in her eyes, got down on one knee, and took her hands in his.

"I, Keith, am so sorry for kissing you, Carly, my beautiful girlfriend with morning breathe without permission. I ask thy forgiveness upon me." Carly busted out laughing, after about two whole minutes of full belly laughter and tears from the laughing, she calmed down enough to reply.

"My forgiveness, I grant thee if thy shall never speak tis way again." She replied.

"Deal." He said, already up from his knees, kissing her with smiles on both of their faces.

"I love you, Keith."

"I love you too, Carly." They heard Carly's cell phone ring and broke apart.' She grabbed it and answered. "Hello?"

"Carly? Oh thank God!! Why isn't Keith answering his phone?" Cindy voice was high and panicked.

"Keith's is upstairs." Carly mouthed that it was his mom. "Are you okay?"

"No... My, my... how do I say this? We are at the hospital... Your mom and I got into a car wreck coming back. We were almost home when a transfer truck crashed into her side. I have a broken arm and a few cracked ribs and bruises. Your mom... she isn't waking up but she is alive. You both have to come right away. I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. We are on our way. Call me if anything changes, okay?"

"Okay." They hung up.

"We have to go to the hospital now. Our moms got hit by a transfer truck... Your mom is okay... but my mom isn't waking up."

"Okay, let's get ready quickly and go." They went upstairs and got dressed (in seperate rooms, of course) and grabbed her purse and his wallet and keys. She grabbed her phone and slipped it in her front jean pocket before they locked the front door and got in the car. They drove to the hospital in a comfortable silence, Keith holding her hand for reassurance and rubbing his thumb over her knuckles in a smoothing motion. She was thankful for his actions. All she could do was pray that her mom was okay. They parked eventually and pretty much ran into the hospital's front doors. The clerk looked at them as she hung up the phone. "Ciznek."

"Room 334. Her friend is in the CCU, room 314."

"Thank you." Carly and Keith replied in unison. They took the elevator and seperated ways into their own mothers' rooms. Carly saw her mom just lying there, her heart beat steady but her breathing seemed non-existent. "Mom?" Carly grabbed her mom's hand and started crying silently. "Mom, wake up." After a few minutes of no response, Carly sat in the nearest chair. It seemed like hours, but Keith walked in smiling at her. She sent him a small, worried smile back. He gestured for her to get up and he sat in the chair, pulling her down on his lap. She laid her head on his shoulder, her face buried in his neck. He was warm and smelled like Old Spice soap, hospital and weirdly apples. He softly laid his head against hers, wrapping both of his arms around her waist.

"Carls, she will be okay." Keith whispered eventually, and the tears started flowing again as Carly nodded against him. She wanted to believe him but she had a horrible feeling that something bad was about to happen. Two hours later, Carly woke up to loud voices entering the room in a rush and a loud, continuing beep sound. She looked over at her mom, then the monitors and started to cry.

"No! NO! Mom! NO! Don't die! I need you, mom. Please, God. I need her." She stood at the foot of the bed, not being able to get through the nurses and the doctor trying to save her. After five very long minutes, they announced Samantha dead. Carly shoved through the nurses and collapsed on the bed, laying with her mother, crying so hard she couldn't hear anything else. Keith went to the opposite side of the bed and Carly saw tears in his eyes and running down his cheeks. "Keith... I lost her. She's gone."

"I'm so sorry, baby." He said, his voice rough with sadness and sincerity. Anger flashed through her.

"YOU SAID IT WOULD BE OKAY!! DOES THIS LOOK OKAY TO YOU? GET OUT!" Carly screamed. Keith looked tooken back, he was about to say something but just walked away as Carly completely ignored him. Before Keith walked out of the door, he came back and hugged her from behind. "GET OFF... She can't be gone... MOM! Keith... She's gone... I have no one."

"You have me and Cindy. Baby, just let me be here for you. Please? Don't push me away. Let me be here for you through this like you were there for me with B." He pleaded. She heard him begging and collapsed into his arms, sobbing. Eventually nurses came in and explained they had to take the body away and Carly just nodded numbly. Keith brought her to his mom's room where Cindy had just got done dressing.

"Hey guys. I was just about to head to Sam's room... why are you crying? Oh my gosh... what has happened?" Cindy said, tears already pooling in her worried eyes.

"Cindy... She's...gone." Carly choked out. Cindy grabbed Carly into a tight hug, both of them starting to cry and sob. No matter how much she tried, Carly just couldn't stop crying, yet. Keith hugged them both and even he was crying a lot. Eventually, they went to Keith's house where Carly excused herself for a shower. She hopped in, the hot water feeling good on her back, but she started crying again. She cried until she stepped out and got ready for bed, realizing she didnt have a shirt. "Keith?" She asked through the cracked door.

"Yes babe?" He answered softly, worry laced through his voice. "Are you okay?" Carly smiled a tiny smile for his worry, but it went away as her mom came in thought.

"No. I need a shirt... and a hug." She heard Keith open a drawer and then he appeared in front of her with his eyes shut. If she hadn't been so upset, she would giggle at the sight. "Thanks." She said as she slipped on his shirt, it hung to her mid-thighs. "You can look." Keith immediately pulled her into his room and just held her. He held her until she was done crying and completely dry of tears and she looked up at him. He kissed her forehead lovingly and she slightly smiled.

"Just like we got through this with B, we will get through this. Together. I love you, baby."

"I know. I love you back." He kissed her softly before they cuddled in his bed and he watched her slowly fall asleep.

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