Where's My Valentine

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Layla in MM👆🏽👆🏽👆🏽

Krysten P.O.V

I woke up and realized today is the day girls are gonna be bragging and have gifts left and right that they don't deserve. But oh well imma have fun at the dance at our school tonight with a few new friends. Ever since August told me the truth and is now his true self Ana and a few of his other female friends apologized to me and asked to be cool with me. I kindly accepted their gesture but I still wasn't able to trust them at all. 

Since the dance was right after school all the girls will be wearing their dress so I thought I should at least wear mine. A long black skin tight dress, with lace sleeves, and a zipper. It hugged my curves perfectly and it went well against my Carmel skin.  I wore my curly hair down, and smoked eye with a nude lip color, and I touched up my eyebrows. 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽(Her body shape)

 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽(Her body shape)

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I took a selfie and headed out to school

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I took a selfie and headed out to school. 

"Where the hell you think your going dressed like that"

Dressed like what.

"Like a hoe"

Mom it's Valentine's Day every girl is wearing something nice today.

"Your mother said go change now listen to her"

No I don't wanna change.

"Girl if you live under my house you live under my rules now go change"

No! I started to talk back

"Then move out" My Mom said to me

Fine by tomorrow night I'll won't be sleeping here anymore. 

"Okay good with me" 

I rushed to my car not trying to let it phase me.

During the drive a take peak at instagram and I see that Que and Aug posted a picture. It was that they were both wearing a suit and they looked fine asf. 

I put my phone back down when the light turned green and played Aug's song You Deserve and I've been addicted to it ever since he played it yesterday. It's funny how fast this is all going away. I'm glad all this is over and we can all get along. 

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