Chapter 1

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"You call that Wing Chun!?" An old man stood there. He had a white beard and scars on his face from previous battles of martial arts. "Well, I'll show ya what real Wing Chun is!" He jumped in the air, his golden and red bright clothes blinding a teenage boy with purple hair. He did at least five front kicks before he landed on the ground. Automatically, the older man went into his horse stance and punched the boy really fast. Blood spilled out of his nose. The teenager fell on the floor, his white clothing and white belt covered in little drips of blood. Before he could fight back, the man stopped what he was doing, and crouched down. "Eh those are the basics you idiot! Children at the age of 6 start going to martial arts and know more than you! Up again and do 50 push ups!" "Yeah you show him Master Opa!" A man sat there, his eyes shining. He had flaming ginger hair and eyes with two different colors. One brown and the other blue. He sat on the wooden floor in his house with his FBI uniform on. He didn't have a badge though. Its his first day anyways so he didn't get one yet. His alarm went off that made him jump up in the air. "Stupid thing!" He said to himself as he swiped his screen to turn it off. It was 9:00 a.m. Time for his first job!

The station was filled with people. The ginger haired man felt eyes peering at him from all around the room. People were whispering to one another. He walked, his eyes shining as always. He was a bright person with a big heart. He walked further down the hall and turned to get into a room. The room had a Japanese flag and a women sat there, patiently waiting for him. "Hello there! Are you.." She looked down at a card she was holding. "Mizuri?" The ginger haired FBI cop looked at her. He blinked in annoyance. "Er... its pronounced "Masuru.." "Oh! Oh okay." The women showed no embarrassment. She had dark green hair and glasses. "My name is Kazuko but call my friends call me Kazu for short." Masuru smiled. "Nice to meet you Kazu-" "MY FRIENDS CALL ME KAZU! DID I EVER CONFIRM YOU AS A FRIEND!?" Sweat formed on the younger FBI's face. "No mam..." Kazuko's smile faded. She got up and walked up to Masuru. "Did you really expect to have a nice community?" The ginger haired man quickly shook his head. "Do you think your job is going to be easy?" He shook his head again. He felt cold a cold unwelcoming feeling. "Good." Kazuko backed away and opened the door behind Masuru. "I'll be right back and get your partner for you. I want the two of you to get to know each other today so you won't be doing your job right away and she walked away. Gee.. no one told me that she's rude! Masuru thought to himself. I wonder when I'll get my badge.. Tomorrow probably.. Man I hope that at least my partner isn't as scary as her! A man with blue hair went up to Masuru with a cup of coffee. "Hi there!" Masuru looked at him. He had yellowish green eyes. They were unusual. "Hi.." The man tilted his head. He looked at the ginger haired man for a second and realized what was going on. "Oh did Kazuko scare you? Yeah she scares everyone here." Masuru felt a warm bond between himself and this person. "So you are new here I heard. Everyone's talking about it!" "Yeah." "Hey your eyes are sick dude! They're so cool! I wish i had eyes like you!" The man with blue hair complimented. "Everyone thinks they are weird and scary. They sometimes wonder if I'm out of some horror movie." Masuru's heart felt light. "Oh I'm sorry to hear that! Well everyone has their own opinions and I have mine." "Whats your name?" The new worker wondered out loud. "I'm Nami." "Hi Nami, my names Masuru."Some other cold voice answered at the same time. Both of the men turned around to face the person which owned that voice. Kazuko.. "Oh I see you've already met someone." Her flat tone sent down shivers through Masuru's spine. Someone else stood next to Kazuko. Some man with green eyes and white hair. He was at least 3 inches taller then Masuru. "This is Orochi. Your new partner." Kazuko announced. Orochi narrowed his eyes. Cold green flames in them told Masuru that his partner isn't any better than Kazuko. Kazuko reached into her pocket. "Oh yeah. Put this on." She took out a badge and handed it to Masuru. He was thrilled but why wasn't she holding any kind of ceremony like they did in movies? "Th-thanks." Masuru stammered and took the badge. He placed it on his uniform. Nami leaned over to the new FBI. "You better not get this guy angry! His sister just died a week ago..." Masuru widened his eyes. Now he understood why Orochi didn't greet him properly. "Dismissed! All of you! Nami get back to work and Orochi and Masuru, get to know each other, go somewhere. You need to learn how to work together!" Why couldn't Nami be his partner? Masuru liked Nami a lot. "Have fun Nami! See you later!" Masuru gave his farewell to Nami as his friend was walking away. "Byeeeee!" The blue haired man called after him. Masuru had a big smile on his face and turned around. Orochi was staring at him with an unpleasant expression on his face. Masuru's smile faded.. "Hey.." He tried to sound cool. Orochi just blinked. "Hi." His voice was surprisingly calm. His voice flowed like an ocean. "Come." He turned around and walked to the entrance. Masuru was right after him. Where were they going? 

Orochi went out of the building and waited at the bottom of the stairs outside. Once Masuru was next to him, Orochi started walking on the sidewalk. His hands were in his pockets. There was pure silence. Masuru awkwardly walked next to him. What should he say? They just walked there, quietly, waiting for someone to speak. Orochi looked down and found a penny. He picked it up and blew on it three times, then, rubbing it in his fingers. Masuru looked at him. "Why did you do that?" He asked. Orochi closed his eyes, then opened them, looking into Masuru's. "I made a wish." "Why?" "We just do it. They say if you find a cent on the floor, you wish on it and your wish would come true." Orochi hid the penny in his pocket. Masuru looked at his pocket and shot his gaze back at Orochi's eyes. "Oh...thats cool. If you were to make a wish, and it would come true.. like for real.. than what would you wish for?" Orochi broke their gaze, fury shot in his eyes. Masuru flinched. Did he say something wrong? There was pure silence, Orochi stopped where he was. Masuru stopped a few steps ahead of him. He turned around to face his new partner. The sound of cars and people walking and talking was in the distance. People laughing and children crying. The sound of seagulls was faded. Orochi was looking at the floor, as if he just zoned out. Finally he spoke. "I'd wish for my sister to come back..."

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